After the event, Apple realized that Apple announced the price of the new Mac models in Turkey. Prices increased significantly compared to the previous generation. The cheapest Mac model was the Mac mini with 7899 TL.
The tech giant Apple, we’ve been waiting for months today new MacBook models brought us to the other side. The reason we were so eagerly awaiting the new models was that the company announced that it would abandon Intel processors and switch to its own Silicon processors. Apple will no longer release MacBooks with Intel processors.
In fact, the biggest star of today’s event is Apple’s M1. has the name of I was a processor. This processor made history as the world’s first computer processor with 5nm architecture. In fact, the M1 was not just a processor, but a chipset. Apple had built an 8-core processor and internal graphics unit in the M1.
Although Apple kept prices constant, the situation in our country has changed:
The fact that Apple has built its own processor in the new MacBooks and offers superior performance with these computers is the did not increase their prices. Even company Mac mini your computer even lowered the price. However, this price decrease or the price remains at the same level it did not happen in our country.
New Mac products listed in Apple Turkey. MacBook Air and Pro model prices compared to last year experienced an increase. This increase is new from Apple Have no M1 processor It was also seen on the 16-inch MacBook Pro model. Turkey’s lowest and highest prices with an increase in Apple products were as follows:
Previous generation prices:
From Apple older Mac models It had starting prices as follows:
- Apple MacBook Air: 8,699 TL
- Apple MacBook Pro (13-inch): 11,199 TL
- Apple Mac mini: 5,999 TL
Apple Introduces New 13-Inch MacBook Pro, Revolutionizing Charging
As you can clearly see, the new Apple products will be more expensive in our country compared to the previous generation. Your company this year the cheapest Mac model From 7,899 TRY go to Mac mini with the asking price peak in new models 25,299 TL It will belong to the 13-inch MacBook Pro with its price.
Older models have also increased:
Apple Turkey, as well as the price of the new MacBook model has also increased on older models. The new starting prices for the Mac Pro and MacBook Pro (16-inch) models without the M1 processor are as follows:
- Apple Mac Pro: 42.999 TL -> 67.449 TL
- Apple MacBook Pro (16-inch): 20,199 TL -> 24,999 TL
Priced up-to-date, Apple’s most expensive Mac model at its highest settings At the price tag of 599.287 TL catching up was the Mac Pro.
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