Tufan, member of the Scientific Committee: If the vaccine cannot be developed, we may meet some patients next year.


Professor Dr. Zeliha Koçak Tufan made explanations about the TÜBİTAK ‘Special Issue COVID-19’ Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences Journal prepared by the members of the Scientific Committee and the final stage of the epidemic. As well as the international community acknowledges the special issue of the Japanese, Italian and Flood Scientific Committee member which indicates that Danish teachers contribute to scientific article, the outbreaks of the initial period of Turkish journals ‘Covidien-19’ and said it reflects the experience of the figth. Tufan said: “An experienced country like us had things to explain to countries that did not have as many specialists and that did not have these experiences. We also discussed the titles that we think would be a reference for them. Especially in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, There are countries that closely follow our comments and guides. We have also guided them. Of course, we have given Europe and the United States the opportunity to compare our practices with our practices. In fact, we have seen how successful our point of view was in beginning of the epidemic when the process progressed. ”


The measures taken through recalling came later that the Turkey virus to other flooding countries, “We benefited a lot from the experiences of other countries and have a low chance with which to assess all of them put out was too much. Control measures of infections of our, academics have good health of our capacity of attention of the patients of the personnel of the welfare of Turkey ‘t made different from other countries.in fact, the cities have made that our hospital is a great advantage in front of our production. City hospitals could be used directly as a pandemic hospital.Rooms could be converted to intensive care.Turkey intensive care beds, breathing apparatus capacity is very good and essential health its staff has a very good ability to care for patients, so we have managed a very successful process in the epidemic as teams that have cared to patients with a lot of intensity for years, I think. No patient was left out. ”


The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that the virus will progress at a time when the pandemic begins, stressed that Turkey’s fight against the flood said:

“Turkey started very early. In January that more than WHO pandemic does not anticipate that, ‘this is a SARS virus, it will remain local’ forecast while in January 10 Scientific Committee were collected and created, a guide reviewed the pandemic plan that was created in 2019. The members of the Science Board It was a team of people from different fields, public health, anesthesia, intensive care, emergencies, infectious diseases, etc. It was very important to follow all the publications and what What happened in the world and what happened in China. This was very important, and the organizations obtained their measures in accordance with the recommendations of the academics. Turkey has acted jointly with academics. “


from Turkey ‘Covidien-19’ in the evaluation of the phase reached in the outbreak Prof. Dr. El Diluvio warned about the normalization process. Tufan, “What we call normalization should never go back to the old. The pandemic continues. It is not over. We are good for our country as long as the pandemic is under control, but we pay attention to social distance, we wear masks in the community. Not yet we have reached the time of (rare) cases. We call it ‘normalization’. Yes, life continues in the process of re-normalization, but without letting the measures disappear. When we remove the measures, the subsequent increases that may also come they may be unavoidable. “He said.


By stating that studies on the ‘Covid-19’ vaccine do not hope to be completed in a short time, the vaccine can be developed in a few years. Dr. The Deluge said:

“Mass immunity is obviously something that will happen when 75 percent of society encounters the virus. If we hit 75 percent in a few years, no problem; but when you hit within 1 to 2 months, you can find levels very high loss of life. This is what happened in Italy. Case The number of health care services has failed to meet the rapidly growing number, and perhaps many cases that could be saved have been lost in Italy. In the next year, When there is a mass free of immunity that has not yet been exposed to the virus, there are still a very high number of undesirable results.

