Trump Turkey signed the sanctions package


The enigma back between the US and Turkey has seen the hottest developments on the S-400 sanctions. US President Donald Trump made a critical decision days before his term expired.

Previously, anticipating that Turkey sanctioned 740 billion Trump stating that the approval of the defense budget, “Republicans in the House of Representatives, which is quite weak and that I would veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) ‘does not ‘I hope they vote’ was the phrase used.


However, according to the Bloomberg report, Trump has shut down. Two sources who spoke to Bloomberg announced that Trump’s Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo Turkey’s attempts result in sanctions for S-400 air defense systems that would implement a package of measures for his signature.

US President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo.

While there was no statement from the White House on the issue, sources who spoke to Bloomberg did not provide information on who would impose the sanctions and their scope. However, it has been stated that the sanctions will be imposed within the scope of the Law to Combat Adversaries of America through Sanctions (CAATSA).


Trump’s bill passed by Trump of at least five of the 12 sanctions in Turkey’s caatsa was requested within 30 days of implementation.

Here are those 12 elements:

1 – The President of the United States may order the Eximbank of the United States (import and export bank) not to consent to the acquisition of insurance and guarantees and loan extensions related to the imposed person who imports goods and services from the country.

2 – The President of the US can order the US government not to issue a license or authorization that allows the sanctioned person to import durable goods or technology from the country. This article also covers military munitions and nuclear power related materials.

3 – The president of the United States can instruct financial institutions in the United States not to give credit to the sanctioned person. Consequently, the sanctioned person can use a maximum of US $ 10 million in total.

4 – The president of the United States may order the top American executives of international financial institutions (such as the IMF, World Bank) to express their opinion not to transfer funds to the sanctioned person or to vote against the decisions of these organizations to grant loans for the benefit of the sanctioned person.

5 –
If the sanctioned party is the financial institution, its transactions in the US market are restricted, while its access to US government bonds is denied.

6 – The US administration may stop supplying goods and services to the sanctioned person.

7 – The President of the United States may prevent the US from conducting any foreign exchange transaction that would benefit the sanctioned person, within the jurisdiction of the United States.

8 – The President of the United States may prevent, within the jurisdiction of the United States, that a payment or transfer of credit for the benefit of the sanctioned person is made between or through financial institutions or to financial institutions.

9 – The sanctioned person can be prevented from acquiring property in the United States and taking any action related to a property.

10 – The President of the United States may prevent a US person or institution from investing in the sanctioned party or buying any bond product.

eleven – The US President may direct the US Department of State to impose a visa restriction on persons related to the sanctioned party, the scope of which is determined by the President. The president can also order the United States Department of Homeland Security to evacuate these individuals.

12 – The President of the United States may impose the aforementioned sanctions on the executives and officials of the sanctioned person.


On the other hand, according to information given to Reuters by four sources, two of which are US officials, with information on the subject, the sanctions will be applied to the Presidency of the Presidential Defense Industry (SSB) and the president of SSB, İsmail Demir.

Speaking to Reuters, the senior Turkish official said: “The sanctions do not produce results. It has the opposite effect. Relationships hurt. Since Turkey is a solution through diplomacy and negotiation of these problems. We do not accept unilateral impositions, “he said.

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