Trump: the country’s economy will not stop once again due to Covid-19


Trump evaluated the agenda at a press conference at the White House and responded to questions from reporters.

Emphasizing that they provided 10.6 million jobs after the new type of Corona virus (Covid-19) epidemic, Trump said: “We are experiencing the largest economic recovery in the history of the country. No one has recovered as much as we have.” Commented.

Trump, who also confronted Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in his speech, said: “If we follow Biden’s strategy, we would have to completely shut down our country, which is experiencing the best days of its economy. We will not stop more economic activity in this country. We stopped this once and now we’re restarting it. ” the economy will not stop once again. “he spoke.


Trump said: “We want schools to open. The rate of children presenting complications from Covid-19 is very low, only 2 percent of deaths are children and adolescents under 25 years of age. Research shows that education costs less expensive is not another equivalent. ” said.

Stating that they are continuing their science-based approach to defeating the virus, Trump continued as follows:

“Joe Biden continues to use the virus for political gain at all times. Whenever he starts talking about the pandemic, he reads the teleprompter. I am not allowed to use the teleprompter. Whenever I ask him questions, he wants the teleprompter. I would be in. a big problem. It would be the news of the year. “

Trump also argued that Biden’s recent rhetoric was against vaccines, “Biden easily endangers people’s lives for something that he thinks will help him in politics. Because Biden’s election polls have started to get worse.” said.

Emphasizing that Biden was vice president on the swine flu epidemic in 2009 and the way they followed it was very bad, Trump said that “16 million were infected. 270,000 Americans were hospitalized. The virus was spreading so fast that the administration Obama told states to stop testing. ” they didn’t want their results to be recorded. “He used the expression.

Trump also accused Biden of being pro-Chinese. Trump said there have been reports that Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, a Michigan-based auto parts maker, negotiated the sale of the company to a company that works with the Chinese military, but the press did not give enough coverage. .


“Trump played down Covid-19,” said a reporter in the hallway, the book by journalist Bob Woodward. “Why did you lie to the American people?” Trump said, “What terrible question is this? There is no lie. He wanted people to stay calm.”

Stating that people in the country should not panic, Trump emphasized that he made the words that downplayed the virus in a series of phone calls with Woodward, saying, “I don’t have much idea about Woodward’s work, I don’t It matters. But if Woodward thought what I said was wrong, they would. Then he would report. ” said.

Trump argued that China allowed Covid-19 to spread around the world, “This virus is no one’s fault except China.” said.
