Tonight they overlap. What will the gravity of the planets do to Earth tomorrow?


In addition to living the longest night in the northern hemisphere in the world today, different developments will occur. Consequently, Jupiter and Saturn will also join forces tonight, staging a major space event in the atmosphere.

The date that all science lovers have been waiting for has arrived. December 21 will be the longest night and the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. Other than that, Saturn and Jupiter are expected to merge. The two planets were last united on July 16, 1623 and recovered after 397 years. The meeting of Jupiter and Saturn will take place on the night of December 21. The United States Aviation and Space Agency (NASA) announced that the meeting of the two planets will be able to be observed with the naked eye on December 21, when it will be the shortest day in the northern hemisphere.



According to LiveScience, the convergence of two gas giant planets, which occurs every 20 years, will take place on the night of December 21. It means that two planets meet, overlap and shine as one planet.

That Jupiter and Saturn will be unusually close at this year’s “big meeting”; This was said to have happened on July 16, 1623 for the last time.


It has been explained that the merger of Jupiter and Saturn has nothing to do with our planet Earth, and the massive merger will have no effect on Earth.
