The TFF statement is as follows:
In the media, at the meeting held between the TFF and the Superliga Club Association Foundation in Riva on October 21, 2020, there was a news about the participation of the broadcasting rights of our Federation, referring to the TFF Vice President, Mr. Erhan Kamışlı.
There was no tension in the meeting in question, and the Fenerbahçe representative said: “Are you making an illegal transaction?” Mr. Erhan Kamışlı replied: “Take your word for it, we do not take illegal actions, everything is done according to the law, the state and the instructions.” Subsequently, our Vice President, Mr. Mehmet Baykan, gave explanations on TFF’s share of the transmission income and the TFF’s powers regarding how to distribute the remaining part after deduction, as specified in the TFF law. . The valued representatives of our clubs, especially the President of the Club Association, Mr. Mehmet Sepil, expressed their appreciation and satisfaction for the information provided by our two Vice Presidents.
Other statements do not reflect the truth. It is our most natural right to expect those who leak information with unethical behavior after a closed meeting to behave honestly about the content, but sadly, we regret that this is not the case. Respectfully communicated to the information and attention of the public “