There is news from Muhittin Böcek, who has been in intensive care for 55 days.


Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Muhittin Böcek said: “The monitoring and treatment of our Antalya Metropolitan Mayor Muhittin Böcek in intensive care continues. Intensive treatment is applied for the infection. At a conscious and determined level, it is oral nutrition has been initiated It was stated that although her general course is improving, her condition remains severe due to signs of infection.


CHP’s Insect announced on its social media account that the Covid-19 test result was positive on August 17, warning everyone to comply with the mask, hygiene and social distancing rules. Mayor Böcek, who was followed in a private hospital, was transferred to the intensive care unit on September 7, when his condition deteriorated, and he was transferred to Akdeniz University Hospital on September 24. President Böcek has been treated in the intensive care unit for 55 days.
