The world of science is scared: Pfizer health worker with Covid-19 vaccine spoiled in 10 minutes


While corona virus vaccines were being used in many parts of the world, there was a terrifying development regarding the corona virus vaccine developed by Pfizer with BioNTech established by two Turkish scientists …

A healthcare professional at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau, Alaska, USA, received the coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech. The woman, who was vaccinated with other colleagues Tuesday night, had a severe allergic reaction in a very short time.


The middle-aged woman, who was cared for in the hospital, was said to have had no allergies before. It was announced that the woman’s respiratory tract, which weighed so much that it could be taken to intensive care, was inflamed and had scars on the skin.

In announcing that the anonymous healthcare worker fell ill within 10 minutes of being vaccinated, authorities also said that he took an antihistamine to eliminate the allergic reaction.


Dealing with the healthcare professional, Dr. Lindy Jones said: “She started having a rash on her face and chest. His heart rate was very high and he had difficulty breathing. His symptoms were brief, but they reappeared later. He spent the night in intensive care ”.

Pfizer made a statement about the incident. Pfizer announced that they are working with local healthcare professionals and are closely monitoring what is happening. “We are closely monitoring progress and looking at all serious allergic reactions,” said Pfizer. In the language of the packaging, we will add it if necessary. “

Previously, two health workers in the UK had similar problems. The US National Food and Drug Administration has announced that people with allergies should consult their doctor prior to vaccination.
