The threat of the fanatic – Sözcü newspaper


It was 2003.

Akp had just come to power.

The pressure began to take over the universities.

They opposed scientific independence with religion.

Academics who did not pay allegiance to Akp were declared “enemies of religion.”

Tayyip Erdogan came out and openly told the rectors who opposed Akp’s policies, “they are disgusting.”

The rectors made statements one after another about this statement.

The rector of METU said: “This word of the prime minister will go down in history as a black stain like the words of Adnan Menderes on black robes.”

The rector of the ITU said: “Throughout history, we have not been under the orders of anyone, we will not be.”

“We are all ready to be Kublai for Kemalist thinking,” said University President Dokuz Eylül.

“It is our duty to uphold the basic principles of the republic, if this is discourteous, we will continue to be discourteous,” said the rector of the University of Ankara.

“We are determined to speak more than before,” said the rector of Uludağ University.

The rector of the Technical University of Karadeniz said that “our password is very clear, commitment to the principles and revolutions of Atatürk”.

The rector of Kırıkkale University said: “We, like others, see democracy as a goal, not a tool.”

The rector of Trakya University said: “We are in Kemalism.”

The rector of the University of Marmara said: “The club is not pushing itself towards the rectors, but towards the future of the country.”

“We are returning the words of the prime minister,” said the rector of Yüzüncü Yıl University.

“They cannot threaten us, scare us or discourage us,” said the rector of Istanbul University.

The rector of the University of Pamukkale said that “they are putting politics in the university.”

“Universities have very serious problems, solve them first,” said the rector of Harran University.

“These words of the prime minister are an expression that will not be erased from the mind for centuries,” said the president of Çukurova University.

The rector of the Çanakkale University said that “his dirty talk is really improper.”

University rector Adnan Menderes said: “It should be known that we will not remain silent in the face of burning danger.”

The rector of the Süleyman University Demirel said that “universities cannot and should not be under the control of political power.”

That day… An invisible fanatic in the history of the Republic was threatened against the Kemalist rectors.

The chairman of the Turkish Religious Foundation branch of Konya Union appeared …

“The funerals of YÖK President Kemal Gürüz, Istanbul University Rector Kemal Alemdaroğlu and their friends will not be taken to mosques, their bodies will not be washed, and funeral prayers will not be performed.”

What is meant by the word “friends” were, of course, other rectors.

Is not sufficient…

The head of the Gaziantep branch of the same union appeared saying “denies God” and filed a criminal complaint with the prosecution against the president of YÖK.

Turkey encountered such an inhuman mentality that it is the first time.

All the rectors who did not pay allegiance to Akp and were threatened with “not doing their prayers” were destroyed, removed from their positions, exiled in court, some of them imprisoned for conspiracy cases.

They were replaced by fetoist rectors and pro-Akp rectors.

The bigoted threat continued.

Over the years, a large number of respectable people have been attacked.

Chairman of the Board of Higher Education Professor Erdoğan Teziç, Professor Türkan Saylan, when the late monotheistic teacher, Turkey’s beloved artist Levent Kırca, Zeki Alasya, when Tarik Akan late, the precious brother of Turkey’s conscience, Bekir Coskun, was Always cut the same threat in recent times is: “corpses should not be brought to the mosque, mercy is read, funeral prayers are not performed, take it to church.”

The wise Akp journalist wrote: “We can speak behind their dead, our dead are separated, their dead are separated.”

When Mustafa Koç passed away, they said “bury with Jewish customs”.

In are …

A fanatic named Abu Bakr Sifil called Diyanet and said: “When journalists Yılmaz Özdil and Cüneyt Akman die, their bodies should not be brought to our mosques and funeral prayers should not be performed.”

This friend is an academic.

He has the title of “Associate Professor”.

He works as a professor at Yalova University.

So it is clear that …

In 2003, those who threatened academics saying “We will not perform their funeral prayers haa” threaten, “We will not perform their funeral prayers, ha” in 2020 as scholars.

This is sad proof that our science-based universities have become the homes of Islamic-minded sects.

Because of their primitive upbringing under the stairs, fanatics who don’t even know the basic philosophy of Islam, who think that religion is their own monopoly, who think that mosques are owned by their father … It is proof that our universities are free of intellect, free of wisdom and conscience.


Currently, while there was a tragedy due to the pandemic in the world, it is experiencing a layered tragedy in Turkey.

Because the bodies of tens of thousands of people who lost their lives to the coronavirus are buried without even being taken to the mosque.

Tens of thousands of families in Turkey, their father, mother, son, unable to attend the funerals of relatives in the mosque, experience the anguish of not being able to perform even the funeral prayers due to restrictions.

In such a desperate period, threatening “We will not take your body to the mosque, haa, we will not perform your funeral prayers, haa”, using our religious obligation as a method of punishment … It is proof that the unconscious fanatic does not even give himself It realizes how much it is outside of humanity and who is really hurt when it threatens us.

For me…

If you don’t take him to the mosque, they’ll take him out of the cemevi, my dear.

You believe!
