The storm blew roofs, sank ships in Istanbul and Izmir


While many ships sank in the storm that was effective in Istanbul and Izmir, trees fell and the roofs of some buildings blew off.

After the strong storm and the torrential warning made by the General Directorate of Meteorology for Istanbul and Izmir, the storm, which increased its effect during the day, negatively affected life.

İki kIn many of Engin’s districts, trees fell, while blowing off the roofs of some buildings.


As a result of the storm in the Karşıyaka region of İzmir, the tram turned into a lake. Due to fluctuations at sea, many boats anchored in the Bostanlı Fishing Refuge also sank while taking in water.

The storm blew roofs in Istanbul and Izmir, sank ships VIDEO


The roof of a storm-blasted building in Istanbul’s Bayrampaşa district got stuck in the parked vehicle. While avoiding a possible injury on the street, firefighters removed the pieces.


In the Bayrampaşa Cevatpaşa district, the roof of a house blew off due to the storm, damaging cars parked on the street.

While a workplace totem sign collapsed on Silivri beach due to strong winds, the power pole was destroyed as a result of falling trees on Bıldırcın street in Fatih district. Firefighters removed an oscillating plate from a building because it represents a hazard.

The storm blew roofs in Istanbul and Izmir, sank ships VIDEO

Storm blew roofs, sank ships in Istanbul and Izmir # 1

Storm blew roofs in Istanbul and Izmir, sank # 2 ships

Storm blew roofs and sank ships in Istanbul and Izmir # 3
