The sounds of the wings begin in Sabiha Gökçen


Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen International Airport in Turkey as part of the general measures taken by the outbreak of the crown virus after the pause to temporarily occupy March 28, prepares to open its doors again on May 28.

Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport is preparing to reopen its doors on May 28, after the temporary authority stops on March 28 as part of the measures taken due to the coronavirus epidemic.
Ersel Göral, CEO of Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport Operation (OHS), who made a statement on the matter, “Like Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport, we had an intense OHS preparation period in the process that disrupted all of our flight operations. While maintaining our facilities on the one hand, we quickly made our preparations to start operating again. We switched to a new system focused on social distance and hygiene. We can say that from now on a new period in aviation will begin. ” said.


OHS Ersel Goral, Director General of the effects of the pandemic in only one of the most serious sectors in the world is not living in Turkey indicates that civil aviation, “We discontinued all of our flight operations at Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport on March 28, 2020. In this process, we carry out maintenance on our facilities as OHS.” said.
“We plan to start domestic flights on May 28, if the authority approves it.” Ersel Göral said: “We continue our preparations tirelessly. At the center of our preparations, social distance and hygiene are coming. As OHS, we have completed all of our preparations for the Airport Pandemic Certificate, which will soon take effect.” he spoke.


Ersel Göral said: “In accordance with the new rules introduced by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, masked passengers will not be allowed inside the terminal building. In addition, the relatives of the passengers may never enter the terminal. On the other hand, you can only buy baby care items, a laptop and women’s bags. Also 100 ml. While fluid restriction continues, 100 ml of liquids such as cologne and high alcohol disinfectant. It will be allowed to be carried on board whenever it is below.


Göral, who also provides information on the measures to be taken in the terminal building, “Our goal is to use visual and audible warnings and technology solutions to avoid densities that can occur especially at terminal entrances and transitions in purified rooms. We will ensure that sufficient distance is maintained between people by better controlling passenger queues before security screening. ” he spoke.
Ersel Göral stated that they will constantly verify the number of passengers in the areas using sensor cameras. “This system will allow us to take the necessary measures to protect social distance by sending a message to our security personnel in the field before the number of people exceeds the specified number.” spoke in the way.


Stressing that in this new period, passengers will act according to the rules of social distance until they board the plane, Ersel Göral said: “The plant ventilation, cleaning controls, disinfection and disinfection will be carried out in the process until opening. Hand sanitizers will be placed at all contact points for the use of passengers and personnel, and fire measurements will be carried out with thermal cameras at the entrance doors of passengers or personnel arriving at the terminal. “ said.
Ersel Göral continued his words as follows: “In addition, in areas such as elevators, escalators, escalators, and passenger seating groups, the number of people will continually ensure surface hygiene. In this new period, we believe we will be able to overcome the pandemic process in no time.” said.
Göral stated that, along with all these measures, the use of rapid pre-flight diagnostic kits, which see some examples in the world, may also be under the leadership of the Ministry of Health or other international regulatory institutions.


OSH CEO Ersel Göral, who suggested that passengers use more online transactions in this process, said:
“After registering online, you can start your journey with a square code that will reach your phone without exchanging any documents, so you can create a safer environment for yourself and the people around you. The biggest challenge we will face as airports in these times when we live under the threat of the coronavirus is that there will be a need for more space with fewer passengers. “

Ersel Göral said: “There will also be costs for all additional precautions and services taken. We hope that our guests will keep their hearts comfortably and that we will fulfill all our obligations carefully in the name of standardization until the day this solution enters our lives, hoping to find a final solution as soon as possible. “


Announcing that preparations have begun to take all precautions for the personnel working in the operation of the terminal, Ersel Göral concluded his words as follows: “We plan to have our staff go to work on May 20 and gradually switch to normal operation. Our employees will undergo a health check by the workplace doctor before moving to work in the office and in the field, and non-approved staff will not be able to work. All staff will wear masks and masks, and the masks will be distributed to employees every 4 hours throughout the day. The rules of social distance and hygiene will be applied precisely in the personnel and office services and disinfection will be carried out regularly. The process will be followed at the highest level within the scope of occupational health and safety. “
