The Scientific Committee warns that ‘we can go to worse days’


Salk Bakanl Koronavirs Science Board and Karadeniz Technical University (KT) Farabi Hospital GS Disease specialist Prof. Dr. Tevfik zl said: “We are not going to leave Kty behind, we can go to the worst days. Considering the course of the epidemic, no there is pause, that is, it is gradually increasing from the beginning. With the docking, that is, we have not stopped the epidemic yet, we are not slowing down, “he said.

Responding to the AA reporter’s questions about the reasons for the increase in new types of coronavirus (Kovid-19) cases, Prof. Dr. Zl stated that the cases not only increased in Istanbul, but there was generally an increase in all parts of Turkey.

Prof. Dr. Zl, but this is not limited to Turkey, noting that there is also a worldwide problem, “In the world lately, since the outbreak started, the largest number of cases has just started to appear.” he dwelling.

Expressing that the number of cases has increased in America, South America, Africa and Europe, Zl said that there are 25-30 thousand cases even in European countries, where the daily number of cases is 200-300.

zl said, “This is not just for Istanbul. Let me tell you. Well, why is summer over? People spend less time in summer weather, vacation, summer, beach, more secluded, more secluded.” Now they are back and have started spending time inside. People gather in offices, workplaces, factories, indoors, in the community, there is a crowd. . “annexed house.

Emphasizing that fewer windows were purchased as the climate in the collective enclosed area cooled, the air inside was more polluted, and the virus increased, Zl said:

“The risk of cold will probably increase, but it is also necessary to assess it naturally, people should be careful and cautious. Cases increase even if people do not take precautions. Unfortunately, we are not all as sensitive as we want. This also has an effect. In my areas, restaurants and cafes people wear their masks, and the distance is not paid attention to the distance and there is crowding and it is very easy to find them. It turned out that the risk of restaurants and cafes throughout Europe is very high .

– Everyone is at risk

Prof. Dr. Tevfik zl said: “Early detection of the virus and early treatment have reduced initiation rates around the world, but still large numbers of people are helping.” saying, followed by his position:

“Look, more than 70 people live in Turkey every day. This virus is still dying. I mean, it says 70 houses are burned every day. We are losing our favorite people. Let alone for the sake of the findings, these are in our stage, we know, the homeless. The threat is near now. I think everyone is at risk. Of course, then we get good results with the treatment, but sometimes it may not happen. Although it can be painful, it can result in death. We all have to be much more careful and cautious. It is very simple, as simple as anyone can do. For the crowd as much as possible in this period. Let’s not spend too much time inside, let’s wear our masks properly, let’s keep our distance from people. Put on your mask, keep your distance and stay out of the crowd, you’re 100 percent protected. ”

Stating that sometimes there are breaking points and family contacts are very important at this point, Zl said: “E, friends, friends, relatives, neighbors get together. People are sitting at home, invitations, eating together, suggestions, talks . It’s dangerous right now. You can’t know that one of your friends and relatives you’ve been sitting and chatting with is not covid positive. Nian’s cake cuts, sz, snnet, days, are very troublesome. Mandatory breaks they must be kept short, masked and keeping their distance. attached housing.

– The rule that everyone who uses the batch must follow: mask

Prof. Noting that it is one of the most important breaking points of the collections, Zl said: “It is not possible to maintain the distance in the bus, because the greatest guard element is the distance. The distance goes. mask. If there is no mask in the vehicle in the bus, it is a threat. Therefore, it should never be taken into consideration. Everyone will wear their mask in the bus, this is not kaar. Everyone who gets on the bus must be adequately covered the mask, that is, cover the nose and horn The mask should not be worn during the entire trip, you should not eat or eat anything Expressions used.

Emphasizing that ventilation is also very humid in collections, and that ambient air must be exchanged with air from the outside atmosphere, zl stated that if the door can have windows, the door window, if there is a system of ventilation, the air conditioner must operate in such a way that the air changes with the outside air.

Stating that hand hygiene has also gained importance in collection, Zl continued with his position:

“We are not leaving Kty behind, we can go to the worst days. There is no pause in the course of the epidemic, that is, it has been increasing from the beginning. Dolaysy, that is, we have not stopped the epidemic yet, we have not stopped it The epidemic continues, both finding and getting sick and dying. ” Let’s not think we have survived it. It is not yet clear what happened. Absolutely and absolutely, the risk of finding is higher due to overcrowding indoors during winter and the period of sight. We have to follow the measures more.

Stating that they were in the group with the highest probability in terms of disseminating the products by bringing the products with the service of the month, coffee service, material service in their places, zl emphasized that it is very important that these people wear masks and maintain the distance during service as much as possible.
