The person who threatened the police with the organization in Tuzla: We will meet


Cihan A. said he will use force if he does not reveal his identity card in Tuzla, Cihan A. said: “You use force, then we will see you”, and while they were referring him to court, he said: “We will see you.”

Police teams inspecting the masks in Istanbul’s Tuzla district requested the identity of Cihan A., the motor courier they detained.

Cihan A., who did not give his identity, told police he would use force, “Use force, then we will see.”

“They cannot punish me,” said the suspect, who was detained by police teams. scream. So the suspect calls someone on the phone, “Send me the number of the organization. Send the number of my brother-in-law” scream.

Cihan A., who was arrested and sentenced after the incident in front of the cameras, was transferred to court today.

Tuzla masks


The person who was later detained by the police, the person you spoke to on the phone, “Give me the agency number, send my brother-in-law’s number” The statement drew attention.


He was sent to the Anatolian Court of Justice in Kartal after his operations at the Orhanlı Police Station in Tuzla.

Cihan A., who was directed to him after being put into a police vehicle “Who is the organization” To the question, “Let the traitors clean in them. We will see you “ answered.

The person who threatened the police in Tuzla: We will meet

tuzla masks

The person who threatened the police with the police in Tuzla: see you # 3
