The new president of the United States, Biden, announces his first action


According to unofficial results, Joe Biden, who was elected as the 46th president of the United States, appeared before the public with Kamala Harris, the first woman he elected yesterday as his vice president. Biden, who delivered a message of unity in his speech and vowed not to divide the country and the people, also announced his first action.

Biden announced that they will fight the corona virus, the economy, health services, systematic efforts to combat racism and achieve race equality, the climate crisis, and democracy in our country.

Biden also announced his first action to the public on Monday. “My first job on Monday will be to appoint scientists to the Covid transition team. Our work begins by taking Covid-19 under control. “I will do my best and promise to reverse this epidemic.”

The fact that Biden’s first action was related to scientists and science became the social media agenda … Unlike Trump, who frequently claimed that he did not believe in the effect of science, many users Social media commenters commented, “Science won” after Biden’s statement.

US President-elect Joe Biden and First Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a victory speech with their families.


* The people of this nation have given us a very clear victory.

* We see confidence in this country and in the world for tomorrow. I will be a president with the goal of uniting, not dividing. I will work to earn your trust.

* I will not see the states as red and blue.

* This is the greatest honor of my life. Many Americans voted for this vision. It is our most important duty to realize this. I’m Jill’s husband, I wouldn’t be here without your support. Jill is a mother, an educator. She will be a great first lady.

* I will have the honor of leading the country with a great vice president. She is South Asia’s first vice president of color. Don’t tell me that something is not possible in the USA.

* I can understand the disappointment of everyone who voted for President Trump. But I think we’re going to give ourselves a chance.

* It’s time to unite America. I think the United States asked us to restore justice, morality, hope. He wanted us to win the war with the virus. They wanted us to protect the planet by controlling the weather. I wanted to defend democracy, to offer everyone the same opportunities in this country.

* I will not miss any opportunity in the fight against Covid-19.

* I will work for those who did not vote for me as well as those who voted for me.


Speaking to Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris used the words “unify, heal” for Biden.

Referring to the importance of her election as vice president, Harris said: “I may be the first woman in this position, but not the last. “Every girl who looks at us sees that this country is the land of possibilities.”

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