The Ministry of Education has made a decision regarding school exams! Ziya Selçuk exams will take place face to face on March 1.


Ziya Selçuk made a statement about the problem that they were waiting for millions of high school students who did not get a report card from the school during the first quarter. MEB announced that grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 would be determined by exam and grades. Students whose exams were not completed with the interruption of face-to-face education were curious about the dates of the exams to be taken in the second quarter. The Ministry of National Education decided that the village schools, all levels of primary school and grades 8 and 12, which is the year of examinations, will start school. Examinations will be conducted in schools to determine the final report grade of high school students. Students will be considered on leave on curfew days. Cengiz Mete, Director General of the Ministry of Education, announced in the past that 40 percent of the exams of high school students were completed and these exams would be valid. Unfinished exams will be held according to the set schedule. When will school exams take place? Here is the examination statement made by the Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk …

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In his statement, the Minister of National Education, Ziya Selçuk, announced that the exams that will form the grades of the first quarter report of high school students will be held on March 1. Students will be responsible for the topics covered in the face-to-face exams until November 1. There will be a single exam to avoid density in schools.

High school students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 took 40 percent of the tests when the first semester schools were open. With these exams, report cards with face-to-face exams will be created in the second semester. First quarter reports are expected to be submitted digitally, as in elementary and middle schools.


The class bell will ring in schools for students taking the high school and college entrance exams. National Education Minister Ziya Selçuk announced that starting March 1, grades 8 and 12 will start school full time. In the continuation of his statement, the Minister said: “It is very important that you prepare for the exams efficiently and work one on one with your teachers. For this reason, our students will begin their full-time training on March 1 and will take their place in the classes under the conditions stipulated by the Science Committee. used expressions.


In a statement he made after yesterday’s cabinet meeting, President Erdogan announced that the village schools will start face-to-face education from February 15. The Minister of National Education, Ziya Selçuk, announced on Monday, March 1, that they decided to open primary schools in all classes. Primary school students will continue face-to-face education two days a week, in diluted form. Special education schools will begin providing education.


The National Education Ministry announced on February 15 that the village schools will begin face-to-face education for all primary school classes and 8th and 12th grade high school students on March 1. After the decision to open schools, families are hesitant to send their children to school due to the coronavirus. MONE Minister Ziya Selçuk said: “The participation of our students in face-to-face education in our schools will depend on the decision of our parents. In this case, our children will continue distance education. “He used the expressions. In addition, the students will be considered to be on leave the days and hours of the curfew.
