The Minister of Education announced! Will schools be opened in some provinces?


Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk; ‘There are no cases in some of our provinces. Some of our provinces also have many cases. We have a study in which provinces, what is the situation? We should also look at the carrier factor. If the schools expand according to the provinces, we are ready for it. ‘

Highlights of the statements of the Minister of Education, Ziya Selçuk;

We follow the opening reports from schools around the world. What Turkey in terms of health data shows that science is not enough to say what the improvement of ironing in Turkey. We analyze them all.

June 1 target for us. We want life to normalize. Science has a guide. If science cannot be opened, it is until September to open schools. Or there may be partial openings. We look at the options. We have created our lists. The Ministry of Education does not make this decision alone. Under the leadership of our President, we make decisions together with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of the Interior.


Some of our provinces have no case. Some of our provinces also have many cases. We have a study in which provinces, what is the situation? We should also look at the carrier factor. If the schools expand according to the provinces, we are also ready for it. We prepare for a year in every way after returning to school. We take parental concerns into account. We ask students to open schools.

Now is the time to get motivated again, it’s time to get up again. We introduced an intelligent support system based on artificial intelligence. We have developed a special guidance system for each child.


Each student will take the test at their own school. You know, this will be the first time at LGS. You will not have your own teachers, but you will have a school that you know. If each student comes with 1 parent or never comes, how is the school garden 45 minutes apart, how will this break be handled? We carry out special provincial studies on LGS.


They are anticipated correctly, but in order for us to complete a task, a teacher must have a class, but students must be present, but not now. If he had started teaching one day, the task would have been completed. They will start immediately when the school opens.

the details are coming …
