The meeting of the Coronavirus Scientific Council has begun! Minister Koca will make a statement


Breaking news… The Coronavirus Scientific Committee met under the presidency of the Minister of Health, Fahrettin Koca, with the agenda of vaccines and mutations. After the meeting, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca is expected to make a statement. CNN TÜRK reporter Gülşen Coşkun gave the details of the live broadcast.

This is what Gülşen Coşkun narrated:

Discussions about mutations will be on the agenda. The whole world is talking about this. What is the latest situation in Turkey? What will be followed regarding the mutation from now on? This topic will be on the table of the Scientific Committee.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca will make a statement at 7pm if there is no time change. Some action was taken immediately after news of this mutation appeared in England. On December 20 at night in England, Holland, Denmark, and was led to suspend flights from South Africa to Turkey.

On the other hand, some issues are being worked on in the Coordination of the General Directorate of Public Health. What I call some problems is actually the mutation issue. In this case, what is the latest situation in Turkey?

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Other than that, our eyes and ears are in the process of being vaccinated. In fact, the vaccines were expected to arrive last week. However, he still did not come to Turkey. That future is now when vaccines to Turkey today? It is also among the expectations that this date is clarified … We hope that Minister Koca explains it as well.

Previously, the members of the Scientific Committee had some meetings on vaccination. The vaccine will be administered first to healthcare professionals and citizens over 65 years of age. When will it start, when will it arrive and then when will the vaccination begin? These details are expected to be announced today.


On the one hand, measures are taken, will additional measures be taken? If the number of cases decreases or increases, these are evaluated and the corresponding measures are taken. Any new advice from the Science Board? We will follow this as well.
