The Mahdi will appear as 2053, with the permission of Allah this number will be completed.


A large number of detained and non-detained defendants, including the detained defendant Adnan Oktar, attended the hearing held by the 30th Higher Criminal Court of Istanbul, on the Silivri Campus of Penal and Execution Institutions. The party’s lawyers were also present at the hearing.

In defense of the opinion, Adnan Oktar said: “The morality of Islam is the right of morality, which defends its morality according to Islam”, and said: “Luxury and wealth is a method of communication because they consider to poor and poor Muslims, but what we describe is the Islam that everyone will love. The allegations of sexuality are so obvious. If there is a sexual relationship, it is detected, if my hand touches the hand of another person, it is understood immediately. if my breathing continues, it is understood by genetics. It is not about comics or stories, but about science. Such determinations have not been made, it is a story of the city “.


Speaking about accusations that the organization has a hierarchical structure, Oktar said: “I don’t have time, why should I deal with such a thing? I’m not saying that no one would do such a thing, but I don’t. I enjoy doing such a thing, I never get involved in such things. There is no hierarchy, there is a friendly community of friends. My friends are rich too, the claims about this money are lies. We are not going to have a job with money and money, “he said.


Oktar, who claimed that little girls came to her and met with their families, said: “At that time I noticed the social distance, it could be slandered by the environment. I paid attention to this issue and have always benefited ”. Oktar, arguing that he did not pressure anyone in his group of friends, “In my environment, everyone falls to the ground laughing. They make me look frighteningly scary, I don’t understand the ugly speech. Fear and horror bore me, I will never allow it. “He said on the form.


Saying that he is not the Mahdi, but that the Mahdi is expected, Oktar said: “The Mahdi will appear as in 2053, and this edition will be completed with the permission of Allah. I have no such claim. “My friends do not believe in such a thing, they are very intelligent people.”


Stating that they have no ties to FETÖ, Oktar said:

“FETÖ is a desperate system. The man’s head is sick, they are crazy. They crushed people with a tank or something. I have understood them before. They advocated both homosexuality and division. These are our mortal enemies, how can we be friends? If FETÖ were successful, it would destroy my body. I broadcast until the morning of the night of July 15, I was in favor of the government. Like lions, I passed through chest-armed soldiers “


Regarding the accusation of espionage against Oktar, he said:

“Why do we meet with Israel because it is the oldest place in the Islamic world? I believe that the person who waits for the Jews and the person who waits for the Muslims is the same. When the Islamic Union is established, Zionism will be established and Israel will join us and join Zionism. So I made a statement that would completely resolve this grand corruption and Israel accepted it. Therefore, Zionism is the unity of the Islamic world. Please correct a wrong comment if there is one, but I don’t think it’s wrong. I also spoke with the Vatican. Old clergymen came from Israel, I told them, they found the subject very reasonable and appreciated it. Because it’s for love “


Oktar claimed that no one interferes with his clothes and said: “I have almost a thousand girlfriends. I don’t interfere with anyone’s clothes. If I did not defend the low cut, there would be an uprising in the youth, then my word will not be kept. I told the young women that those with necklines and miniskirts can remain in prayer. I have brought millions of girls and women to Islam. Our aim was very well intentioned. The purpose was to give the message that Islam does not hit the cleavage, you are not an infidel ”.

Expressing that concepts such as state, homeland, nation and holiday are very important to him, Oktar said: “May my state trust me.” After Oktar’s defense, the hearing continues with the defense of detained Aylin Atmaca.


Adnan Oktar The court prosecutor, who explained his 499-page opinion in the case against the Armed Crime Organization, stated that the defendant Adnan Oktar, “Establishing and managing an organization for the purpose of committing a crime”, “Sexual assault with more than one person and with a weapon “,” With more than one person, coercion and sexual abuse of the child by threat “,” Inciting threats with weapons using the terrifying power created by criminal organizations “,” Registration of personal data in consistent with the objectives and activities of the organization “,” Registration of personal data “,” Use of force and violence against a person who can not defend himself, depriving the person of freedom “Deprivation of liberty through the use of force and violence “,” Denial of the right to education and education through the use of the terrifying power of the organization “,” Torment “,” Attempted crime of political and military espionage “,” Falsification of docume private nto “,” Corruption of the official document, Crimes of annihilation or concealment “,” Qualified fraud “,” Smuggling “from 150 to 1365 years in prison wanted to be punished.

In the ruling, Alev Babuna, Ulviye Didem Ürer, Fatma Ceyda Ertüzün, Ayşegül Hüma Babuna, Yeliz Sucu, Sinem Haga Tezipar, Aylin Atmaca and Merve Büyükbayrak, who held the position of manager of the organization, were accused of “being the director of an armed organization for 5 years “. They were asked to be sentenced to a prison term of up to 12 years and to punish the accused for all crimes committed in the scope of the organization’s activities.

The defendant Tarkan Yavaş has been sentenced to 239 years in prison for “Sexual assault with more than one person and with a weapon”, “Sexual abuse of children with violence and threats with more than one person”, “False reports in the preparation of official documents “and” Falsification of the truth “. he was asked to be punished.

In the opinion, the sanction of 222 defendants was required for the crimes of “belonging to the organization” or “helping without being a member of the organization.”
