The given time has expired today! Equipment in the village of Yılmaz Özdil for demolition


Hülya Özdil, wife of the writer Yılmaz Özdil in the Bitez district of Bodrum, bought a 4.6 million lire villa from a company on May 2, 2017. The building remained within the limits of the ‘commercial area’ in the plan current development. The building license was granted to the building by the Municipality of Bodrum, on behalf of Hülya Özdil: office and workplace – two separate sections – 142.5 square meters.

After a time, the municipality issued a building permit. The Özdil family converted the building, which is a commercial area in the zoning plans, into a villa. The 142.5-square-meter residential building, whose license is organized for one floor, two adjacent office units; tank, generator room, basement added. The Özdil family requested the ‘Peace of Reconciliation’ that covered the buildings until December 31, 2017 for the villa, which was increased to 310 square meters. However, it was determined that illegal construction continued after the “ Peace of Reconciliation ”, and in 2018, a 45-square-meter terrace and a dependency became illegal. The teams from the Provincial Directorate for the Environment and Urbanization of Muğla determined that the terrace and outbuildings were built after the “Peace Reconciliation”, with satellite photos of the region.

Following this development, areas of the village that are contrary to zoning were determined and an investigation was initiated. Once the review was completed, the file was sent to the Ministry of the Environment and Urbanization. Furthermore, the villa was sealed by the Bodrum Municipality. The stamp read: “Since this construction violates its permits and annexes, it has been sealed and detained in accordance with Article 32 of Zoning Law No. 3194.”

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The written instruction by the Muğla Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization for the demolition of illegal additions in the village was notified to the Bodrum municipality. The municipality also sent a notification to the Özdil family to demolish these illegal additions by May 13. However, despite the notification, no one from the family came to the villa and no demolition was carried out.


As a result of the examinations, the Provincial Directorate for the Environment and Urbanization has canceled the registration documents for the building of some of the villas of the residents of Yılmaz Özdil. Therefore, the municipal teams sealed these villas. Municipal teams examined the villas, took measurements and took photos.

Demolition equipment expired in the villa

The time given to the Özdil family for the demolition of illegal accessories has expired today. When the family did no work related to the demolition, teams from the Bodrum Municipality Science Directorate and Police Department arrived at the villa this morning. The team of about 20 people who arrived at the villa with four vans first took personal security measures. The workers, who wore their vests that spelled ‘demolition equipment’ and who wore helmets, masks, and gloves, entered the villa with pick, mallet, hammer, crowbar, and shovel. Some of the workers went to the terrace of the villa and made a review. The teams are reported to begin the demolition process.

The deadline has expired today. The teams are in Yılmaz Özdilin's villa for demolition.

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The dismantling of the villa has begun. The teams first removed the roof tiles in the illegal section. Notably, the teams were meticulously trying to take the plugs apart without breaking.
