The first Science Board meeting of 2021 is over! Declaration of vaccine against the coronavirus of Minister Koca


Minister Koca shared a written statement after the first Scientific Committee meeting in 2021.

Referring to vaccine planning at the meeting, Koca said: “Our plans are ready. Make sure that we will use all our strength for vaccination, we hope to end the destructive effect of the global epidemic.” used the expression.

The statement by Minister Koca is as follows:

After the vaccine safety tests are completed, we will begin the vaccine application program by giving approval for emergency use.

Today, at the first meeting of the Scientific Council in 2021, we discussed the most critical issue on the agenda, vaccine preparation. I try to keep you regularly updated on vaccine delivery developments. As of today, we have reached a final agreement for 50 million doses of inactivated vaccine and have received the first part of 3 million doses in our warehouses. Also, for the mRNA-based vaccine, we met again today and reviewed the new procurement plan. 4.5 million doses of guarantee and up to 30 million doses of our agreement have been signed. I will continue to update you as the details on the procurement plan become clear. In addition, negotiations are underway for adenovirus-based vaccines developed in Russia and England.

I would like to explain something about the inactivated vaccine, where we will start the vaccination program first. As you know, the clinical study of this vaccine is ongoing in our country. To start the vaccination program, we requested intermediate results from our scientists who conducted the vaccine study. Based on the interim results, we understood that the vaccine was safe and effective enough and began the Emergency Use Approval process. Safety tests are underway for currently administered vaccines. As soon as testing is complete, emergency use approval will be granted if results are adequate. After requesting intermediate results at the clinical trial stage and verifying that the vaccine is safe, our research scientists were notified that they were accepting more volunteers. Once the vaccine is determined to be safe, it is necessary to stop recruiting new volunteers. So far, 17,700 doses of vaccine have been administered to more than 10,000 volunteers and the results are still being monitored. The country of origin of the inactivated vaccine has had Emergency Use Approval for a long time. When granting emergency use approval, the most up-to-date data on the study will be reviewed.

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Our communication with Indonesia, another country where the work continues, continues. The mutual exchange of information is provided regularly. It has been known that the vaccination schedule in Indonesia will start on January 13. In Brazil, where the study continues, today the results have been released and it has been announced that the vaccine is 78% effective in mild cases and 100% effective in moderate and severe cases. The study carried out in Brazil was only carried out in health workers, the group most exposed to the virus. Our mutual exchange of information will continue.

In our Scientific Committee, another item on the agenda, the vaccination of people over 60 years of age with inactivated vaccine was also evaluated. Since Phase III experiments were not performed in people over 60 years of age, it was understood that Phase I and II safety studies were conducted in people over 60 years of age in assessing whether vaccination would be adequate and that there was no obstacle for the use of new data in this group.


In this context, it is intended to vaccinate all eligible citizens over 18 years of age, starting with the elderly and people in critical tasks after the Approval of Emergency Use. In this process, we hope that the vaccines will arrive in our country gradually in accordance with the procurement plan. As the vaccine is received within the program, we will vaccinate our citizens according to the risk ranking determined by our Scientific Committee.

Planning of vaccine logistics, organization of generalized vaccination centers that include all hospitals, especially Family Health Centers. The applications that will ensure the digital monitoring of the entire process and the creation of databases of priority risk institutions are nearing completion. Our website, where our citizens can learn about the appointment processes and ways to access vaccines, and access detailed information about vaccines, will be activated in the coming days.

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Our citizens will be able to follow the order of the social and demographic groups to which they belong on the website. They will be able to be informed about the vaccine assignment information through channels such as e-Nabız and MHRS and they will have vaccines for free by making an appointment through the MHRS. The vaccine will be given in two doses. Similar appointments may be scheduled for the second dose of vaccination 28 days after the first vaccine administration.

Dear citizens,

Our Ministry of Health and all related stakeholders are working around the clock to start the vaccination schedule as quickly as possible and to start vaccinating our citizens safely. Make sure that we will use all our strength for vaccination, as we hope to end the devastating impact of the global pandemic. “

