UK scientists are trying to understand how the new mutated coronavirus strain will affect the course of the epidemic and newly developed vaccines.
Detection of the mutated virus in regions where the number of cases began to rise rapidly, especially in the UK, has also raised concerns that the virus has become more contagious with the latest mutation.
Health Minister Matt Hancock explained that the new strain has different mutations and has been detected in southern regions where cases are increasing faster in the country.
According to Hancock, early analyzes suggest that the new species is spreading faster than existing variations. More than 1,000 cases have been identified within the boundaries of about 60 municipalities, and the new species is spreading rapidly, Hancock said.
There is no evidence yet that the new strain is more deadly than other Sars-CoV-2 coronaviruses.
It is hoped that whether this is related to differences in symptoms or the duration and severity of the disease will be revealed after analysis of the newly collected additional data.
To do this, the scientific working group called ‘Covid-19 Genomics UK’ began to monitor how the new species detected move within the country. The group examines the genetic codes in about 10 percent of coronavirus cases.
Viruses can mutate all the time. Most of them have little effect. Or it has no effect. Others block the virus and allow these mutations to be eliminated. But there is a chance that the mutations make the virus spread faster.
According to experts, the new strain has more than one mutation in the spike protein that allows the virus to adhere to cells. Scientists call this “suppression.” In the last example, it is stated that the two amino acids in the protein are absent and this can accelerate the spread.
This ‘deletion’ was seen in coronavirus in other countries with low levels after the spring months. It was discovered that the new species began to spread in southern England in August and September.
The same “deletion” was seen in samples taken from a patient with a compromised immune system in Cambridge.
An attempt was made to treat this person with blood plasma containing antibodies from another patient.
The patient eventually died. It is claimed that the virus mutated during treatment may have become more resistant to antibodies.
Clinical Microbiologist Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the University of Cambridge. Ravi Gupta said:
“We think it is a mechanism by which the virus begins to escape. We need to investigate it. We do not know what the effect of this will be in the long term. Therefore, we cannot take risks. We do not expect it to make people sick. But it can do. make the epidemic more difficult to control, “he said.
Since viruses mutate, there is always the possibility that a strain resistant to existing vaccines will emerge.
Most Covid vaccines produce antibodies that inactivate the virus by attaching itself to spiny proteins.
The surface of the virus is covered with these spiny proteins. The virus enters the human cell with its help.
It is claimed that if the spike protein mutates, as in the new species, the virus can escape the antibodies created by vaccines using older versions of the spike protein.
But according to experts, two points are important here.
First, vaccines produce a series of antibodies that attack the virus from different angles. For this reason, it is difficult for the virus to escape at once.
The second is the possibility that large mutations could affect the virus’s ability to infect human cells. Genetic scientists are watching the virus against what they call “vaccine leakage.”
Porton Down, where the world’s most dangerous pathogens are being studied, and several labs are investigating whether the new species poses a threat.
It is claimed that if the virus mutates to become resistant, it can be ensured that it is effective again by making small changes to vaccines.
The Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Program, Dr. Michael Ryan said that they were aware of the new strain of the virus.
“In fact, this type of evolution and mutations is quite common,” Dr. Ryan said, continuing as follows:
“But we have to find answers to some questions, like in the Danish minkes and other mutations seen above. Does this make the virus more severe? Does it lead to faster transmission of the virus? Does it affect the diagnosis? Does it change the vaccine efficacy – we don’t know the answer. “