The actor Özgü Namal, known for the television series “Kurtlar Vadisi” and “Yeditepe Istanbul”, as well as for Beynelmilel, Polis and Anlat Istanbul, and the father of his children, the business lover Ahmet Serdar Oral, settled in Yayla Mahallesi from the Köyceğiz district of Muğla about 5 years ago. Ahmet Serdar Oral passed away at the hospital where he was admitted due to a heart attack the day before. Oral’s body was buried in the Kanlıca family cemetery. Oral’s sudden death was harassed by his family and friends, as well as the neighbors of Köyceğiz.
Şeniz Güçlü, who runs a grocery store in the Yayla neighborhood, said: “They had just arrived in our village, they were very good. Ahmet was a very good person, he came and went. He was doing his own shopping. He surprised us after receiving the news of his death. It helped people a lot. I have been running a market for 40 years. Ahmet “He came every day, he stayed here in summer. They had a happy relationship with Özgül Namal, we visited them from time to time when they came here. The grocery store would come alone, buy cigarettes and ask questions. “
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Halil Demir, the head of the neighborhood, said Oral is a helpful person, saying: “Our town is a cute little town. Ahmet Bey has settled in the neighborhood for 3-4 years. He has been living in his current home for a year and a half. He was a very loved and respected person. They had two small children. May Allah have mercy on him. Ahmet was a very good person, he was helpful. He helped many people in the neighborhood. From time to time he asked us if there were Someone to rest. He came a week ago, but we could not meet, I was absent. We heard that he was dead, God bless him. I hope the place is heaven, his neighborhood was very good, “he said.
Aydemir Erdogan, who lives in the village, said: “I live in this village, they were good people and very helpful, someone who helped the poor. We did not have the opportunity to meet, but we always listened in the village. I heard that he was a philanthropist, he was doing well. It was good, that the place is heaven. “