The claim will create a scandal! ‘Order to process and analyze massive amounts of information stolen by piracy’


An article titled “Tech Giants Bring Vital Advantage in Espionage to China” was published in Foreign Policy magazine, which included the views of top intelligence officials, including William Evanina, head of the National Directorate’s Counterintelligence Division. Intelligence of the United States.

The article claimed that private Chinese companies helped process stolen data for China’s intelligence services and shared their data with China’s intelligence and security agencies.

“Chinese technology companies play a key role in the Beijing administration in processing the data they have obtained or stolen in any way, making it useful to Chinese intelligence services. This data is processed in China, governments foreigners and the private sector around the world. ” It provides a great opportunity by gathering accurate information for the target people. ”The article, which includes the testimony, lists similar claims from other US officials.

A former senior CIA official said: “China’s intelligence services have become more accepted by Chinese companies, a new nationality than in 2017, under the increasing authoritarianism of Chinese President Xi Jinping, forced Chinese companies out of Beijing to work and share data with Chinese intelligence and security agencies. “This was a harbinger of what will happen these days for many of us,” he said.

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In the article, it was stated that “China’s intelligence and security agencies have been ordered to process and analyze a large amount of information stolen from US institutions for piracy, private companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, which have analytical capabilities of big data, and the data is immediately returned to Chinese institutions after processing. “

Authorities said this would mean, for example, that the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States had 10 or 15 petabytes of data collected on the Chinese military to be analyzed by companies like Google. , Amazon or Microsoft in a few days. it was noted.

The US Department of Commerce petitioned the Federal Court in September to ban social media apps TikTok and WeChat owned by Chinese companies on the grounds of “protecting national security.”

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In the statement made by the Ministry, it was noted that the Communist Party of China used these practices to threaten national security, foreign policy, and the US economy.

In the statement, which noted that users in the US will be protected by removing access to these apps and significantly reducing their functionality, it was stated that the threats posed by TikTok and WeChat are similar, if not the same.

In the statement, it was stated that both applications collected data from users, including their location, browsing and search history, and that these companies were in mandatory cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party intelligence services.

“This situation makes the use of WeChat and TikTok present unacceptable risks to our national security,” the ministry said in a statement. your evaluation was included.

The US Federal Communications Commission announced in July that Chinese tech giants Huawei and ZTE were identified as threats to national security.

The United States included Chinese technology company Huawei in 2019 on the Asset List, which includes individuals, companies, governments and other legal entities that restricts technology exports on the grounds that it poses a risk of engaging in anti-government activities. National security.
