“The Chinese vaccine is effective against the virus” (experiments have been completed in Brazil)


The Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech has developed in Turkey in experiments conducted “coronavac” is a new type of corona virus (Covidien-19) in the candidate vaccine people made 3 announced the completion of the last phase of the experiment.

The Bhutantan Institute, which conducts biological research in Brazil and collaborates with Sinovac in the experiments of the Covid-19 candidate vaccine and its production in Brazil, shared on its Twitter account: “ After the excellent results of the experiments of the 1st and 2nd phase, CoronaVac 3rd phase experiments completed “used the phrase.

The institute indicated that the results will be sent to the Brazilian Health Regulatory Authority (ANVISA) for approval of the vaccine. Thus, Brazil became the first country to complete CoronaVac clinical trials.

The results of experiments that measure whether the candidate vaccine is effective in immunizing humans against Covid-19 have yet to be released.

On the other hand, according to the news from the American Wall Street Journal (WSJ), which is based on the interview with the volunteers who participated in the experiment, CoronaVac’s third-phase experiments revealed that the candidate vaccine is effective against Covid-19 .

In the report, it was claimed that the latest CoronaVac test results exceeded the 50 percent threshold that scientists in international circles consider the lower limit for a vaccine candidate to gain immunity.

CoronaVac’s experiments on humans in Brazil began in late July in collaboration with the Bhutantan Institute, which conducts biological research in Brazil.

The candidate vaccine experiments, which were tested in 13,000 volunteers across the country, were stopped on November 10 and restarted on November 12 due to an unexpected side effect.

The state of Sao Paulo agreed with the Chinese pharmaceutical company to transfer the necessary technology for the production of the vaccine to the Bhutantan Institute, in addition to receiving 46 million doses of vaccine if it is successful.

coronavac, clinical trials, as well as Turkey and Brazil, are being conducted in Indonesia.

