The 2021 budget was approved by the TBMM Plan and Budget Committee


Vice President Fuat Oktay, the perseverance and effort to build Turkey’s efforts to work with all who consume am especially pleased, ”he said.

The Central Government Budget Law Proposal for the year 2021 was accepted by the TBMM Plan and Budget Committee.

After the discussion and acceptance of the budgets of the Presidency, affiliated institutions and similar in the commission, the articles of the budget law proposal were approved.

The Commission also accepted the 2021 Central Government Budget Law Proposal consisting of 16 articles and the 2019 Final Account Proposal Law consisting of 7 articles.

With the Law on the Restructuring of Some Credits and Modification of Some Laws, the application of the Housing Tax was postponed until January 1, 2022.

With the proposal adopted by the commission, the budget revenue forecast for the year 2021, which was envisaged at 1 billion lire for the accommodation tax, was removed from the table.

On the other hand, the VAT and internal VAT revenue estimates based on the declaration were increased by one billion lire each, depending on the reactivation of the economy.

Vice President Fuat Oktay, the Chairman of the Planning and Budget Committee, Cevdet Yılmaz, and representatives of the political parties made a short speech of appreciation after the budget was approved.

The 2021 budget has been approved by the TBMM WATCH Plan and Budget Committee


Commission chair Yılmaz said the commission worked 205 hours at the end of the budget process, which lasted 38 days and 20 combinations.

Recalling that the talks were held in the TBMM Ceremony Hall due to the coronavirus epidemic, Yılmaz, “We are happy and happy to have gone through this process without any accident.” said.

In expressing gratitude to the President of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mustafa Şentop, for providing this opportunity, Yılmaz, “If we have not experienced any negativity in the coronavirus process, this room has a great effect.” I speak.


Yılmaz claimed that 202 deputies, 30 of whom were commission members, delivered a speech on the budget for 2021 and that more than a third of the number of deputies in the Assembly contributed by reaching the commission.

Noting that around 1,200 speeches were made in the budget negotiations, Yılmaz said. “It’s really tiring. It’s not a day, it’s a long shift. Thank you all.” said.

Yilmaz, the budget, the well-being of the citizens, the presence and the unity and fraternity of the nation of Turkey, wanted to contribute to the development process to continue in the first places of the world.


Oktay thanked MPs for the selfless work done so far.

Highlighting the opinions and criticisms of the deputies, Oktay said that as the Republic approaches its centenary, increasing social welfare day by day and consolidating independence in all areas, especially in technology, are among the most important priorities. .

In this context, Turkey has also stressed henceforth that it will move to a more prosperous level of public solidarity with all powers. “In the budget process, which is the foundation of our efforts and great determination and effort of Turkey’s efforts to build solid consumables that I am especially pleased to work with everyone.” said.

Budget 2021 approved in Parliament Plan and Budget Committee # 1


At the end of his speech, Oktay also mentioned the donation campaign organized during the epidemic process, “We are enough for us” He said that everything raised through his campaign was distributed to those in need.

Oktay noted the following:

“As members of the president and cabinet, the department head and all the executives above, and even nearly 80 percent of our employees, contributed the majority of their salaries.

Cabinet members donated at least 60 percent of their annual income, up to 100 percent. We did not express this, we did not want to, but “Is another country doing this?” I wanted to express that this is in our own essence.

We just don’t do it, they all did it in Turkey. Everything collected through the ‘We Are Enough’ campaign was distributed to those in need. “Another country did it, but we didn’t.” no, we did much more of the same. We did it wholeheartedly, not out of necessity. “

Souvenir took your picture

After the committee stages of budget negotiations were completed, committee members presented flowers to Vice President Oktay and a souvenir photo was taken.

Discussions on the 2021 Central Government Budget Law Proposal and the 2019 Final Accounts Proposal will begin at the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on Monday, December 7.

Budget 2021 approved in Parliament's Plan and Budget Committee # 2
