Terrifying statements from the World Health Organization


WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus held the last press conference of 2020, via videoconference, at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ghebreyesus said it has been a year since the WHO learned of the cases of “pneumonia of unknown cause” in the city through a bulletin published in Wuhan this week last year.

Ghebreyesus, who championed the organization’s policies on the Kovid-19 epidemic, said: “We have worked with thousands of great scientists around the world to create global solidarity. We learn something new every day. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes challenging, sometimes literally surprising, but all are useful. ” said.

Thanking journalists who followed the WHO press conferences for a year, Ghebreyesus said: “None of us can end an epidemic alone, but we will end this epidemic together.” found the evaluation.

Terrifying statements from the World Health Organization


WHO’s emergency program director Dr. Mike Ryan said improvements in areas such as scientific studies, logistics and education are essential to better manage global health crises in the future.

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Experts at the World Health Organization have warned that the coronavirus epidemic ‘is not the biggest pandemic to emerge’ and that a deadlier virus could threaten the world in a much more serious way.

Ryan said the coronavirus outbreak was just a ‘wake-up call’. “It showed us how unprepared we could be for other outbreaks that may arise with regard to the coronavirus outbreak,” he said.

Saying that the epidemic that occurred was just a ‘roll call’, in other words, ‘an awakening’, Ryan emphasized that the world must be prepared for possible dangers on the horizon in full vigilance in areas such as science, education, health , Logistics Management.

‘We live in an increasingly complex global society. These threats will continue. If there is one lesson from this epidemic, with all the tragedy and loss, it is the fact that we must act together. We must honor what we have lost by getting better at what we do every day. ‘I speak.

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Terrifying statements from the World Health Organization

Ryan also said that despite the introduction of vaccines, the virus will continue to be a part of our lives.

“The virus will likely continue to be a threat to our lives, but it will be a very low-level threat with an effective global vaccination program.” Said.

