Surprising statements from Şahin and Türeci, the inventors of the coronavirus vaccine: Was the vaccine deliberately delayed?


The children of Turkish immigrants, who are among the founders of BioNTech, made a name for themselves with the coronavirus vaccine developed in partnership with Pfizer in Germany. Dr. Uğur Şahin and his wife, Dr. Özlem Türeci provided critical information about the vaccine on the New York Times podcast show.

The Turkish couple, who participated in the NYT podcast show called Sway, made striking statements about the coronavirus vaccine they developed.


The show’s host, Kara Swisher, claimed that the discovery of the vaccine was announced late for US President Donald Trump to lose the election. Özlem Türeci responded as follows:

“Here in Germany, we have no interest in delaying or interfering with the American elections. And you know that clinical trials are very strictly regulated, and this is not something that can really delay, stop or accelerate.”


Prof. Dr. Uğur Şahin gave the following answer:

“We are not interested in politics. At the end of the day, our interest is to develop this vaccine as quickly as possible. We have to follow ethical standards, follow scientific standards. At the end of the day, we act with science, we act with our own standards. This it does not coincide with any political agenda. “


Swisher also asked if the vaccine produced by the couple was made to employees of the BioNTech company. The Şahin-Türeci couple answered this question “Not yet”. “Well, have you been vaccinated?” The couple asked: “Not yet. Due to clinical regulations, we are not allowed to vaccinate. Currently, the vaccine is only available in clinical trials. And company employees cannot participate in clinical trials. This means that we can access the vaccine when other people have access to it. ” answered.

Source: Habertürk
