Strong reaction of the Minister of National Defense Akar to the words of the CHP deputy


Latest news … Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar, “The hero for his passion and personal enthusiasm, insulting the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), Mehmetçi, strongly condemns this non-national language, which has already been condemned by our noble nation We want everyone to know that it will be asked until the end and that we will be a close follower of the issue.

Akar made an assessment of the statement made yesterday against the Turkish Armed Forces in a television program about the question from the AA reporter.

Reacting with sharp and clear language to the statement against the Turkish Armed Forces, Akar said: “He strongly condemns this non-national language, which has insulted the heroic and altruistic Turkish Armed Forces and Mehmetçi for his personal passion and enthusiasm, and that already it has been condemned by our noble nation. We want everyone to know that we will be a close follower of the issue. ” used the expression.

Akar stated that the Ministry of National Defense will give a more detailed explanation.

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In the statement made by the Ministry of National Defense, the following statements were used:

In a television program, the nation’s army was insulted in front of the nation, based on a project whose reasons and scope were explained many times before.

Department of National Defense; Under the guidance of mind and science; Working with seriousness, sincerity, dialogue and coordination, he strives to further enhance the qualities of our heroic army equipped with products from the national and national defense industry.

The Turkish Armed Forces, also known as the Center of the Prophet, with its national, spiritual and professional values ​​that have emerged from our glorious history of thousands of years, within the framework of the constitution, laws and Mr. In accordance with the directives of our President, he is at the head of his nation under the orders and command of successive superiors and commanders.

We strongly condemn this non-national language, which has insulted the Turkish Armed Forces, Mehmetçi, and which has already been condemned by our noble nation for its personal ambition and enthusiasm, and we want everyone to know that this will be accounted for within the framework of the law and we will follow the issue.

Respectfully announced to the public.
