Statement from TKP to Rector Melih Bulu, who was appointed to Bogaziçi University


The general secretary of the Communist Party of Turkey, Kemal who read, the AKP to the students of Bogazici University protesting the decision and the appointment as rector Melih Invention spoke about the intervention of the police.

Noting that the AKP is in similar preparation for associations, Kemal Okuyan, “The AKP, which handed over local governments to trustees step by step, continues to appoint universities on its own account. The person appointed as rector of Boğaziçi University clearly shows what the government understands about education. used expressions.

Stating that it is legitimate to oppose the AKP’s decision, Okuyan said: “It is extremely natural and legitimate for students and academics to oppose the AKP, which tries to fill universities with ignorance, hostility to science and a commercial mindset. It is the repression of illegitimate protests by the police. AKP will submit to its rule of arbitrariness and trustee, “he said.
