Standardization: What’s in the plan that British Prime Minister Johnson explained about lifting the restrictions?


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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson explained the details of the plan that will be implemented due to the fulfillment of a series of conditions related to the normalization of social life by eliminating the restrictions applied due to the coronavirus.

In his television speech, Johnson said that those who work from home should continue to work from home and those who have to go alone to do their work should go to their jobs.

Claiming that those who have to work from the workplace, especially construction and manufacturing, are “encouraged” to start working, Johnson asked those who have to go to work to use their private vehicles, not public transportation. .

In the UK, it is planned to mitigate restrictions according to a number of criteria, such as the effects of the Covid-19 outbreak on health system capacity, the coefficient of contamination and the evaluation of propagation data, also known like R0, which indicates how many people infected the virus.

“It would be folly at this stage to allow a second jump to emerge, thwarting England’s gains in coronavirus-related victim control,” said Jonhnson.

The British Prime Minister announced the government’s new message about the coronavirus outbreak earlier. The message that was previously “Stay home – Protect your health system – Save life” was changed to “Stop action-Check virus-Save life”.

A curfew was imposed on March 23 following the acceleration in the number of coronavirus cases in the United Kingdom.

While the total number of cases in the UK has increased to 219,183, the loss of life is 31,855. Although the increase in new cases continues, there has recently been a slowdown in the rate of increase.


What restrictions have been eased?

Johnson described the plan he announced as “the first draft of the road map for the normalization of society.”

“This week is not the time to end the restrictions. Instead, we are taking the cautious first steps to change the steps we take,” Johnson said.

Johnson, who was unable to do his work from home, especially in manufacturing and construction, was “actively encouraged to go to work.”

Those who can work from home are expected to continue to do so. Those who had to go to work were called to work with their private vehicles, not with public transportation.

Limitations on exercises that can be performed outdoors have been removed. Johnson emphasized that the public can now sunbathe in the parks and play outside with people who live in the same house.

Regulations on social distance will be preserved. It is planned to make arrangements for the protection of social distance in workplaces and continue to apply the rules of social distance in public areas.


How will decisions be made from now on?

Johnson said he expects the next steps to be “earlier on June 1.”

In early June, education may restart in some classes and some stores will reopen. However, some conditions must be met to make these decisions.

“For the next two months, we will not act in accordance with hope or economic requirements. We will act in accordance with science, data and public health. I want to emphasize that all of these decisions depend on compliance with conditions and a series of” yes “.

Johnson stated that places like restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars could open in July at the earliest.

Another issue Johnson insisted on in his speech today was the pollution coefficient, also known as R0.

In virus-borne diseases, like Covid-19, your goal is to keep the transmission coefficient below 1, which is calculated as the number of people infected by a person.

Johnson said R0 is between 0.5 and 0.9 according to the calculations, although there is still some uncertainty about this coefficient.

The new Covid-19 warning system released by the British government also predicts that levels will be determined based on the R0 number.

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There are 5 levels in the Covid-19 warning system and the R0 number will play an important role in determining these levels.

What new applications were introduced?

The Covid-19 warning system, announced by Johnson, is planned to determine the severity of the outbreak at set levels 1 to 5 and take some action accordingly.

This warning system is similar to the system used by the United Kingdom for the terrorist threat, and the highest level of 5 means that the epidemic is widespread and causes a large number of victims, and 1 means that the threat disappears.

This level is expected to be determined by the recently established Joint Biosafety Center.

Johnson stated that this level will be determined predominantly based on the R0 coefficient and the number of coronavirus cases and will show “how strict we must act in our measures of social distance.”

“The bottom line is that the lower this level is, the fewer precautions they will be. The higher this level is, the harder and harder the measures will be,” Johnson said.

England is now going from 4 to 3, with the R0 coefficient falling below 1.

Another new agreement announced by Johnson is on those who come to the country by air.

Johnson emphasized that with the increase in the number of cases under control, quarantine will soon be introduced to those arriving by air to prevent new cases from arriving from outside the country.

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Labor party leader Keir Starmer

What are the reactions to Johnson’s statements?

Labor Party leader Keir Starmer said Johnson’s statement raises more questions than answers.

Claiming that the statement was “unclear and unanimous,” Starmer said millions of people were told to go to work and not use public transportation while doing so, only 12 hours in advance.

Dave Prentis, Secretary General of Unison, one of Britain’s leading unions, said the government is moving fast and is calling for security in some sectors, and that it must not leave security behind.

“If the utmost attention is paid to safety, then the number of cases increases and a second wave appears, putting both the National Health System and social services at risk,” Prentis said.

Prentis added that the government should guarantee the supply of protective equipment for health workers and increase the number of tests and implement the contact monitoring program.

Sir Ed Davey, vice chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party, said he did not understand why the government needed to change the messages it gave at this stage.

“It jeopardizes what people are struggling with for so long,” Davey said.

Scottish Autonomous Administration Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said “the arrangements introduced in Johnson’s statement should only” emphasize more strongly “that it only covers Britain.

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have the power to enforce their restrictions. Scotland and Wales have continued to call people to stay at home, while Northern Ireland has announced that it plans to progress gradually towards normalization.
