Should Sinovac or Biontech be chosen?


The German Ministry of Health in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic Biontech With the introduction of the vaccine, the right to a preference for the vaccine was incorporated. Citizens, through the appointment system Biontech or Sinovac you can choose the vaccine.

Assoc. Dr Ümit Savaşçı said: “When we looked at the results of the vaccine we have applied so far, we found that even if people contracted the coronavirus in the Sinovac vaccine, they outgrew the coronavirus and reduced the hospitalization rate by 100 percent. important for us is that the person has this disease slightly or does not have it “.


Assoc. Dr. El guerrero, when stating what vaccines people find, it should be: “Because vaccines are really protective and significantly reduce hospitalization rates. The second is that if the person is using drugs to suppress the immune demand, they are receiving chemotherapy, you are receiving cancer treatment, or if you have previously had a severe neurological disease. In this case, the inactivated vaccine seems a bit more reliable. Let the Sinovac vaccine be the first option, and the Biontech vaccine the second option. However , the protection rate of the Biontech vaccine is higher and its availability can be problematic as it is low in quantity. Our protection rates are generally high. I was also a volunteer of the Biontech vaccine, we have been following them for months, they have not been observed side effects. obey our people “They can receive any vaccine they want with peace of mind because they are guided “, He said.


Assoc. Dr. El guerrero, regarding the questions that come to them about vaccines, “it is especially said that ‘I was vaccinated, I caught the coronavirus, I was infected with the vaccine’. You cannot get coronavirus from the vaccine. If we put precautions aside, we can still get the virus, these questions are asked very often. New technology mRNA vaccines make vaccines smarter. Without any residue in the body, it reaches the result that we want to achieve and it goes away. However, if you are using drugs that suppress the immune system, if you have had a very serious neurological disease, we would like to have an inactivated vaccine in the foreground.


Assoc. Dr. Noting that studies were carried out abroad on the vaccination of children, Savaşçı said:

“Studies have been carried out abroad for children at the moment, data was obtained that the vaccine above 9-12 years protects 100 percent of the Biontech vaccine. Therefore, after the approval of the foreign institution of the necessary institution is obtained, with the decision of the Scientific Committee, we can start the childhood vaccination program especially in the autumn periods. Especially, although there is no complete study on this topic, pregnant women can receive the Sinovac vaccine after the first 3 months, I do not see any problem. in vaccination for nursing mothers “.
