Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul! Hours of work and public transport …


Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

According to the latest news, while the occupancy rate in public transport vehicles in Istanbul fell to the 10 percent level in April and May, when the Kovid-19 epidemic was most intense, it was warned that this table was beginning to reverse, few days before the opening of the schools.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

Head of the Transportation Science Board established under the Istanbul governorate, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ilıcalı made important warnings through Milliyet:

“Before Kovid-19, the daily number of passengers in public transport was 7.5 million. The number of people using public transport in a day was determined at 4.1 million.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

If universities open and 3 million college students start using transportation, there will be no different vision than before Kovid-19.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

The number of passengers transported in metro buses has exceeded 600 thousand in recent days. The subways, which were left empty in April and May, organize flights with a 60 percent occupancy “.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

Ilıcalı stated that the increase in demand for public transport with the opening of schools will negatively affect the outlook of the epidemic, said: “It is absolutely necessary to increase the capacity in public transport, as well as the working hours and options to work from House.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

Until the vaccine is released, 3 million college students should continue distance education. If universities open and students take to the streets, we will see a worse outlook even than in the April-May period.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

Starting in September, the fact that college students start using public transportation means the disappearance of the social distance rule.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

Underlining the need to assess the stratification of overtime and work-from-home options for the working population, Ilıcalı stated that they made a presentation to the Minister of the Interior, Süleyman Soylu, on the possible risks in transportation and said: “Yes images of old density appear in public transport, it will be impossible to protect yourself from the virus. “

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

While there are 17,395 taxis in Istanbul, there is an average of one taxi for 900 people. The number of minibuses registered in the system is 6,460.3 thousand 30 IETT buses, 2,154 private public buses and 985 vehicles belonging to Bus Inc. are in service.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

The number of carriages in metro and tram vehicles is 647. In Istanbul, the number of school buses and staff buses is 66 269. Marmaray has 440 carriages.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

While there are a total of 610 vehicles on the metrobus line, not all vehicles are available at the same time. The number of minibus taxis is 572 and the number of marine engines is 393.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

The dashboard for regular transport in Istanbul is as follows: 704 million 479 thousand 482 people travel by subway, on average 55 million passengers are transported at the beginning of the month.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

Every day, an average of 1 million 654 thousand 777 people use the subway and light rail. The number of people using Marmaray is 430 thousand.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

An average of 2 million 59 thousand people per day in IETT buses and subways, 1 million 607 thousand 036 people in private public buses and 860 thousand people in Bus Inc.

Shocking coronavirus warning for Istanbul!  Hours of work and public transport ...

While the number of people using minibuses is 2 million 911 thousand and the number of those taking taxis and minibuses is 1 million 403 thousand people, 2 million 867 thousand 502 people travel by shuttles every day in Istanbul.
