Selcuk Minister announced the results of TIMSS 2019: Turkey for the first time exceeded 500 points


Selcuk, Results of 2019 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in Turkey, announced at a press conference organized by the Ministry.

Noting that TIMSS is an achievement tracking study conducted by the International Organization for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) over a four-year period, Selçuk stated that fourth and eighth grade students’ achievement in math and science was assessed. .

Turkey, eighth grade level research in 1999, 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2019; The 4th grade level in 2011, 2015 and the transfer joined in 2019. Selcuk, Turkey, the TIMSS that the 2019 cycle through science and average performance in mathematics increase over time, but the TIMSS assessment in a reference as the accepted scale midpoint below about 500 points, or Said it performed at the mid-level of the scale.

Turkey, 2019, the first time in the fourth grade to the class-level application, the fifth-grade students join with samples consisting of Selcuk, “because the average age of fourth-grade students in Turkey is less than the TIMSS average TIMSS 2015 and 2019 cycles at 4 “The average age of students in participating countries at the third grade level is 10.2 years. The average age of fourth graders in Turkey was determined to be 9.7 “. He used the expressions.

In TIMSS 2015, countries like England, Norway, South Africa, and New Zealand were ranked 5 instead of 4; Stating that he took the exam in ninth grade instead of eighth, Selçuk pointed out that there are other countries in the same situation this year.

TIMSS 2019 Turkey participants from the fifth grade sample with a mean age of 10.6 years Selcuk noted that in a total of 2019 applications, TIMSS fourth grade 58 said that while 39 countries participated in the eighth degree.


According to the report, Turkey at the 4th grade level, the average score in mathematics with 483 in 2015, increasing 40 points to 523 in 2019 indicating that Selcuk’s interests, shared the following information:

In other words, in mathematics, while it ranked 36th out of 49 countries in 2015, it rose to 23rd out of 58 countries in 2019. In science, its average score increased from 483 in 2015 to 526 in 2019. In other words, it ranked 35th out of 47 countries in 2015 and 19th out of 58 countries in 2019 in science practice. In eighth grade, the average score in mathematics was 458 in 2015 and 38 points in 2019. In other words, yes While it ranked 24th in 2015 in math applications, it rose to 20th in 2019. In science, the average score, which was 493 in 2015, increased by 22 points in 2019 to 515. In other words, practice of science in 2015, the 21st 15th order came out in 2019. The proportion of students at higher and advanced levels of proficiency has increased. The performance improvement has spread to all regions of Turkey. “

Stating that this gradually increasing partial improvement is enjoyable for everyone, Selçuk emphasized that they are not where they want to be, but the path traveled on this journey is very pleasant.


“Turkey is a catch high.” Explaining that several main themes can be mentioned when looking at it, Selçuk made the following assessments:

“The measurement and assessment centers we have established, the next-generation questions in international standards, the teacher training that is on the rise, the EBA keeps children in a learning discipline by developing digital content in many ways. , physical improvements and TIMSS awareness activities can be counted among these topics. ‘We also see the progress Turkey has made in improving the described PISA results. We are confident that we will achieve better results with each passing year. This type of research takes X-rays of the educational system of partition walls. Here is the educational policy revised with the data obtained and updated to continue on your way. In this momentum, the conservation efforts we capture. The EBA platform, which we improve every day, the resource book support we provide to our students, the resources we provide for LGS, study fascicles, and the improvements we make to the curriculum will be the drivers of this process. Classification 0. Turkey the power to make this leap, capable of ability and competence. “

Selçuk thanked all the students, teachers and parents who were involved in the process and said that they took these exams very seriously, but did not forget that the Turkish education system will progress in line with their individuality and values.

The Minister of National Education, Selçuk, stressed that they believe that if there is a success story in education, the whole society will realize it.
