Secondary and Baccalaureate 6,7,10,11, when do classes open? MEB started preparations for the exam!


In a statement made on her social media account, the National Education Ministry, Ziya Selçuk, stated that they had completed 3 stages of the transition to face-to-face education. The decision on the high school and high school levels that are not open will be finalized after the evaluation that will take place in the coming weeks. The details of the face-to-face training were revealed in the levels that will begin classes on November 2. While 5th and 9th grade students go to 2 schools a week, 6 + 6 hours of education will be taught at regular high schools, and this course hour will be 7 + 7 at Imam Hatip High School. High school 9th ​​grade students will attend 8 + 8 school 2 days a week. While all these developments were taking place, students who began classroom education and continued their education remotely wondered how and in what way the exams would be conducted. Preparations for the National Education Ministry exams began. Ok High school 6.7. Baccalaureate and Baccalaureate 10,11. When will classes start?


According to a statement from the Ministry of National Education, students in the 5th grade of public and private Secondary will go to school 2 days a week. Students who will stay in schools for 6 lessons will teach a total of 12 hours. In secondary schools, Imam Hatip will teach 14 hours a week and will operate according to the system (7 + 7) 2 days a week. High school ninth grade students will receive a total of 16 hours of lessons 2 days a week.


The Ministry of National Education has decided to start the 5-day face-to-face education as of October 26 in the schools and classes attended by students with special educational needs.


According to information shared by Nuran Çakmakçı from the Hürriyet newspaper, students who do not attend face-to-face education will not be considered absent in the 2020-2021 academic year, even if face-to-face training has started. Students will not fail this year due to truancy. Minister Ziya Selçuk pointed out that the exams will be carried out in person and that the exam system by appointment can arrive. According to the information received, the exams will be conducted in person at the schools this year and students who do not show up will remain in the classroom. Due to the epidemic, the examinations are scheduled to take 20-25 days. According to studies carried out by the Ministry of National Education, two scenarios are emphasized in the application of the exams. Applied lessons will be in the form of homework grades for lessons like music, PE, and painting. Exams will take place face to face in important lessons such as Math, Science and Turkish. Students will be responsible for the curriculum of the class they attend and will participate in the assessment and evaluation of all subjects and achievements.


The Ministry of National Education wants to continue implementing the 2020-2021 work schedule during this difficult training period due to the epidemic. According to this year’s MEB calendar, students will apply the first recess from November 16 to 20, 2020. However, an evaluation process will take place before the break arrives. Here is the work schedule for the 2020-2021 MEB academic year;

Distance education started with EBA TV on August 31.

Students in grades September 21 and preschool switched to face-to-face education.

October 5 Vocational secondary schools providing practical education began face-to-face education.

October 12 Students from primary school 2,3,4 grades, middle school 8th and high school 12th grade began face-to-face education.

November 2 5th grade of Secondary and 9th of Secondary will begin face-to-face education.

The first recess of the semester will be applied from November 16 to 20.

Friday, January 22nd The first semester ends.

The semester break will begin on Monday, January 25 and end on Friday, February 5.

The second quarter will begin on Monday, February 8.

April 12-16, second quarter vacation will apply.

The 2020-2021 academic year will end on Friday, June 18.

On Friday, June 18, 2020-2021, the academic year will end.


Courses in Turkish, mathematics, science, social studies, foreign language, religious culture and moral knowledge in 5th grade of secondary school; Imam Hatip High School will teach Turkish, math, science, social studies, foreign languages, religious culture and moral knowledge, the Quran, and Arabic lessons through face-to-face education.

Since ninth grade students are responsible for all core, elective, and vocational courses shown in the weekly course schedules, courses determined by the school administration must be completed through classroom education and remaining courses through distance education .

All courses other than face-to-face education will be completed through distance education, and school administrations will take steps to support students through distance education.
