Secondary 6.7 and Secondary 10.11. When will the classes go to school? Other levels on November 23 …


Referring to face-to-face education among the busy schedule after the cabinet meeting, President Erdogan announced that they will make the decision in the coming weeks regarding grades 6, 7, 10 and 11, which are not opened according to the course. of the epidemic. After fifth and ninth grade, which began face-to-face training on November 2, their eyes were not opened on other levels. MONE Minister Ziya Selçuk stated that 3 stages have been implemented in the transition to gradual education. The number of cases from the Ministry of Education and by the course of the epidemic in Turkey will decide on the opening of all classes in schools. Upon reaching the final stage of the evaluation phase, November 23 draws attention to the return of secondary and high school students who have not been able to receive face-to-face education since March. So when will the schools open? Here is the 2020-2021 MEB schools opening calendar!

When will the first break start (November)? MEB 2020-2021 Holiday Program Announced!


Making important remarks after the cabinet meeting, President Erdogan said: “We will assess the situation of the other classes in the coming weeks, based on the course of the epidemic,” regarding grades 6, 7, 10 and 11 that they did not open, they began to train face to face. He spoke in the form.


Today, fifth grade students transferring from elementary school to high school and ninth grade students transferring from high school to high school began face-to-face education. Students studying in fifth grade will go to school in 2 days. Students receiving normal secondary education will stay in school for a total of 12 hours in 2 days in the form of 6 + 6. In Imam Hatip secondary schools, this period is scheduled for 7 + 7 due to the intensity of the lessons. The ninth grade students, who completed their high school education last year, will remain in schools for a total of 16 teaching hours 2 days a week.


According to the news in the Sabah newspaper, the Ministry of Education continues to work for grades 6, 7, 10 and 11 that have not yet started face-to-face education. At the Ministry of National Education, which is in the process of decision, at the moment, Bachillerato 6.7 degrees and Bachillerato 10.11. The outstanding date for the opening of classes is November 23. Although there is no official statement from the Ministry on this date, there may be differences in the story depending on the course of the epidemic and the number of cases.


The National Education Ministry, Ziya Selçuk, who inaugurated the Robotics Coding Workshops Project at the Kocaeli Science Center, stated in her speech that they will decide how the future course will be based on data. Stating that they are in further evaluations in continuation of his statement, Selçuk said, “ Depending on these evaluations, what classes will open and how is our wish, of course, to keep the school open and of course, as an institution related to education, we want our children to be in the classroom.He said on the form.


Ziya Selçuk, Minister of National Education, made new statements about the opening of schools. He stated that the decisions made regarding the opening of the schools were influenced by the recommendations of the delegation chaired by President Erdogan and the Scientific Committee. Drawing attention to the dynamic nature of the process, Selçuk ” It is a dynamic process both globally and nationally. It shows the effort and effort of the Ministry of Health to improve the efforts of our scientists, doctors and nurses. This is a great effort and we are aware of this effort. We are looking at the world, we are looking at Turkey. We keep looking every day, at any time, and we can observe each classroom with special software.“he said. Selçuk affirmed that they are ready to make new decisions, new approaches and new measures, and stressed that they are in an intense pace of work.


Education was suspended for 1 week in all schools in Izmir due to the Izmir earthquake, in which many people lost their lives. MONE Minister Ziya Selçuk said: “We will heal the wounds together” from his social media account, “We decided to suspend education for a week across the province. As an educational family, we will overcome difficulties together with our students, teachers, administrators and parents by getting closer, “he said.


In the 2020-2021 academic year, first grade and kindergarten students began education on September 21. Then on October 5, Applied Vocational High Schools, Sports High Schools, and Fine Arts High Schools began face-to-face education. On October 12, all grade levels and 8th and 12th grade students preparing for the YKS and LGS exams began face-to-face training. In the third stage of gradual education, the 5th and 9th grade secondary school students were educated. Due to the coronavirus, the students were divided into groups according to the social distance in the classrooms and the duration of the course was determined in 30 minutes. Students who remain in schools for a limited time due to the epidemic have a 10-minute break between classes. Face-to-face training is not offered for all courses, and some courses are supplemented with distance learning opportunities. Here are the face-to-face lessons for students in the 2020 academic year;

Fifth grade students teach Turkish, math, science, social studies, foreign language lessons, and religious culture and moral knowledge lessons with classroom education.

In Imam Hatip High Schools, in addition to the above courses, the Quran and Arabic lessons are taught with face-to-face education.

Ninth grade students take the elective and vocational courses for which they are responsible, as outlined in the weekly course schedule, through face-to-face training. Other lessons are taught live on EBA TV.

Courses excluded from face-to-face education by the Ministry of National Education will be completed through distance education (online). School administrations will take measures so that students can teach courses through distance education.
