Science Council Member Prof. Dr. Vaccine statement that draws İlhan’s attention: ‘It doesn’t make sense to do it’


Member of the Board of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Health Prof. Dr. Mustafa Necmi İlhan said that while the Covid-19 vaccines brought from China will be examined in the laboratory for 14 days, they will also have a barcode. Prof. Dr. Ilhan, “Not only the Chinese vaccine, be it a German-American vaccine or a domestic vaccine, the evaluation is done in the laboratory. During this evaluation process, it will be verified if the vaccine is the same as the one we were given. will send, it will be verified if it is reliable. Two vaccines must be followed, “he said.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Gazi University, Head of the Department of Public Health and member of the Committee of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Health. Dr. Mustafa Necmi İlhan made a statement to DHA about the first batch of 3 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine called ‘CoronaVac’ produced by the SinoVac company against the coronavirus epidemic in China. Prof. Dr. Ilhan Public Health, the Vaccine Headquarters and Turkey Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices Agency (TİTCK) evaluation to be done, said: “This evaluation will be done in the laboratory. This applies to all vaccines. Not only the Chinese vaccine, the German-American vaccine, even if the national vaccine, although In this evaluation process it will be verified if the vaccine is the same that was indicated that it will be sent to us, it will be verified if it is reliable or not, “he said. .


Prof. Dr. Noting that the vaccines will have a barcode, İlhan said: “The vaccines will be barcoded during this period so that they are coded where they went and to whom, what vaccine was made. Which vaccine went where, Ankara, Izmir , will be coded. The process takes between 14 and 15 days. We expect it to be completed from Wednesday to Thursday of next week. The study of phase 3 continues. The study of phase 3 will also conclude during this time. completed the phase 3 study, its efficiency was 91% even more. However, if the Ministry of Health also receives approval for vaccines, the eligibility of the Phase 3 study will be at a certain level, as you know, the World Health Organization says ‘even 50 percent is enough’, vaccines will be implemented.


Prof. Dr. İlhan pointed out that if something negative is found, it will be evaluated and said: “What is the negativity? Does the negativity affect the reliability of the vaccine? Your evaluation will be made, if so, the company that produces the vaccine will be contacted. vaccine”. We need to know that these vaccines will also go through the same system when the vaccines produced enter the site, it should be noted that any vaccine that enters will be offered to the service of society after it is tested in our country. -3 the study already exists, ”he said.


Prof. Dr. Ilhan, before the vaccination of health workers recalled, “also said a similar application around the world. The health worker account of the cleaning staff of the security officer, a nurse of the technicians, we are talking of a large group of even doctors. There are 1 million 60 thousand health workers in Turkey. Health Those who are pregnant and breastfeeding among their employees may be those who have had coronavirus in the last 6 months. Those who are outside these groups are They will vaccinate first. Then our citizens over 65 with chronic diseases, then other citizens over 65, and after these, the disabled, take care. Our people who need protection, who remain in their homes, nursing homes and need protection, and then the second stage will start. He used the phrase “to be instilled.


Stating that health professionals will be vaccinated where they are as much as possible, Prof. Dr. İlhan said: “For example, those who work in a university hospital are in the university hospital, those who work in the Ministry hospital are in their own hospitals. There are 112 employees, the employees of the family health center will be vaccinated in the district health center. Our Minister of Health announced that it can be increased to 1.5-2 million capacity per day. It can be leveled in Turkey. Health workers are probably vaccinated in a very short period of time. But let’s not forget the vaccine is two doses. Health workers are very easy to follow because they are carried out in the system , but if they have large, especially if the smartphone from the Ministry of Health hotline, but the truth of your family Family medicine centers and hospitals should not be allowed to be encompassed rotated. Citizens should go to the relevant health institutions during the allotted time and get vaccinated. “I will be the most correct approach,” he said.


Emphasizing that one vaccine is sufficient, Prof. Dr. İlhan said: “There are those who say ‘I will have both vaccines, even 3 vaccines, I will be all.’ But vaccines should be used rationally. After deciding on a vaccine, that vaccine must be used. We know it will provide protection. It is not correct to say ‘I received vaccine A’ and then ‘let me have two doses of vaccine’ B ‘. It doesn’t make sense to do so.’ Once the antibody is formed, that antibody rises again, it protects me ‘it would be wrong to say so, “he said.
