Samsung makes new decision for smartphone production


Samsung smartphone production A new decision seems to reshape the phone market. One of the strongest players in the smartphone market, Samsung wants to build on the success of its country.

Samsung reacts to smartphone production

South Korea, which is one of the countries that best fights the Corona virus epidemic, paved the way for its proud tech company. Planning to manufacture some of its models in other countries, Samsung gave up on this decision.

As you may recall, Samsung temporarily closed a production factory in Gumi, South Korea. The positive test of the COVID-19 test on a worker changed all the plans of the company with experience.

Samsung smartphone production

For this reason, Samsung, which is said to produce some smartphone models in Vietnam and avoid production disruption, was concerned about the Galaxy Z Flip. Because the demand for this model was more than expected.

The fact that users showed more interest than expected for the Galaxy Z Flip allowed Samsung to focus more on issues that impede production. A statement made by South Korea 2 days ago whetted the tech giant’s appetite.

Samsung smartphone

The East Asian country, which has been fighting intensively with the Corona virus for about 4 months, stated that no new cases of COVID-19 were seen in the country on April 30, 2020. This was the first time since February.

Having abandoned its Vietnam plan, Samsung plans to bring some manufacturing products in Europe and the United States to its own country. The successful team, which has reduced its production of smartphones due to the epidemic, wants to restore its previous performance.

Samsung smartphone production site

We will see together how Samsung will tackle the demand problem, which wants to increase its power in the control of raw materials. Making this decision is about production There is no time to lose and production will increase it means.

Therefore, it will be easier for users to find the related model they want. What do you think Samsung will do with the negative effects of the Corona virus that threatens humans?
