Restrictions on the crown shake Germany: thousands of people took to the streets in the capital


While the Corona virus continues its effect around the world, it is dying faster than ever. While there have been the highest death toll days since the start of the epidemic, countries are trying to take action one after another to stop this momentum.

However, these measures taken to protect public health sometimes provoke reactions. The latest example of this came from Germany, one of the countries where the virus spread rapidly.

According to Worldometers data, in the country with 835,000 cases and 13,273 casualties, the coronavirus measures are protested.

Today, thousands of people took to the streets of the capital Berlin to react to the restrictions. The protesters, who congregated in the squares ignoring measures such as social distancing and masks, were met with intense security measures from the police.

The activists, who defended that fundamental rights were being abused with banners and slogans in hand, from time to time confronted the security forces intervened with water cannons.

Many protesters are said to have been detained by the police who ignored the warnings.

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