Recent developments in coronavirus vaccine studies. Has a coronavirus (coronavirus) vaccine been found?


Latest News: The date has been given! Coronavirus vaccine could be ready for approval soon

Breaking news. Director General of the WHO. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus held a videoconference meeting with WHO epidemic experts at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Correspondent for AA, Turkey, USA, Russia, China and questions about the recent situation in England on vaccine studies, scientific delegation of WHO Chief Specialist Dr Soumya Swaminathan and WHO Deputy Director-General , Dr. Mariangela Simao answered.

Swaminathan said they closely follow vaccine studies around the world: “It is really encouraging to see the progress in clinical trials around the world. As you know, we currently have about 40 candidate vaccines in some stages of clinical trials and 10 of they are in the final phase of the PHASE-3 trials. Last-stage vaccines) will inform us of both the efficacy and safety of the vaccines. ” He said.

Dr. Swaminathan reported that the Kovid-19 vaccine will be available in December or early 2021 for regulatory approval.

Scientist Swaminathan noted that having many candidates for Kovid-19 increases the chances of finding an effective and safe Kovid-19 vaccine.

WHO Deputy Director-General and Medicines and Health Products Officer, Dr. Simao said: “This vaccine must be licensed in the country where the trial was conducted, in the country where it was tested.” He said.

Stating that the WHO is working very closely with national regulatory authorities for the Kovid-19 vaccine, Simao noted that many steps must be taken for widespread vaccination after the FAZ-3 trials actually end.


The health technology company Abbott announced that it has received “emergency use” authorization in the US for the new type of antibody test against coronavirus (Kovid-19).

The pharmaceutical and medical instrument maker company announced on its official website that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the emergency use of the Kovid-19 antibody blood test produced in Abbott laboratories.

The US company stated that the “AdviseDX” test is used to identify a type of antibody called “Immunoglobulin M” in the blood to detect whether a person has been exposed to Kovid-19 before.


The pharmaceutical company operating in 160 countries around the world was previously licensed for emergency use for 7 tests, including the test that can detect another type of antibody called “IgG.”

The FDA may authorize unapproved drugs for “emergency use” when there are no suitable or approved alternative drugs for the diagnosis and treatment of serious or life-threatening illnesses.
