Coup of September 12, 1980 first forbidden book – how many generations of the left did not fall – became the “Basic Principles of Philosophy”
The author is a French philosophy of Hungarian origin. Georges politzer (1903-1942). He was a member of the French Communist Party; and your party “University of the workers of Paris” He was one of his teachers …
He joined the secret resistance in the Nazi invasion of France; with his wife Mai 1942 He was arrested. Leaded. Mai also a year later Auschwitz died in the field …
Georges Politzer’s book, between 1935 and 1936. philosophy lessons It is based on the grades received by the students.
The book, written in simple language that people of all educational levels can understand, was published in 1945 …
The book tells the Marxist dialectic; “Everything is interconnected”:
– “The opponents are in conflict and changes arises from these conflicts; so don’t change the solution of the conflict … “
– “Due to class interests bourgeoisieturns its back on reality … “
– “The first elements of the understanding of life that we have acquired, our education-learning gives us a false consciousness… “
– “The level of knowledge, culture and morality of a society determines the economic base of society… “
– “See the world as it is with your real face is dialectical materialism… “
According to the dialectic, nothing is found in a finished and complete form; everything is always the end of one process and the beginning of another process… “
There’s a reason I made this entry, Elbet … coronavirus a I will do!
Great philosopher Socrateshas a significant word:
– “Philosophy, what you do not know It is knowing. “
The author of the book that I did not drop in my youth. By Georges Politzer I learned analytical thinking …
Another French philosopher my point of view of health and medicine radically impressed!
Michel Foucault (1926-1984) …
He was a philosopher who fought against established conventional thought patterns.
Political relations think through purely propaganda-ideologies superficial arguing that he had brought new concepts into his life.
“Biopolitics” was one of them … “biopolitical” using medical strategies the body, the tool of political goals drew attention to what he did.
of energy, medicine-health audit which enables; He explained that he gained power through the human body and governed country-societies.
“Birth of the clinic-archeology of medical perception” wrote a unique work like:
“Life, disease, and death are now a technical and conceptual form of trilogy. Placing the fear of disease in life and the imminent existence of death in disease the continuity of very old beliefs is fragmented… “
“Before civilization, humans only had the simplest and most inevitable diseases. (…) It was not those complex, complex and variable nervous diseases, but real mania crises or serious brain hemorrhages.
– “Growth of the person according to the conditions. and in relation to the narrowing of the social network around the individual, ‘Almost health has gradually deteriorated’; the diseases differed and mixed with each other; and reached the highest possible level in the upper parts of society … “
Michel Foucault, Published in 1961 (which we published in 1992) “History of Madness” He continued his long journey with the book “The Birth of the Prison” and “History of Sexuality”.
“Biopolitics of” Disciplined and controlled “modern state” / “modern capitalism” He explained that it started with his birth:
“Life (body) is now the object of power.”
Life is not a gift, but a property:
– “Society control over individuals not just through consciousness or ideology; also in the body and it develops with the body. For capitalist society Biopolitics was more important than anything else, it was biological, bodily, material. The body is a biopolitical reality, and medicine is a biopolitical strategy … “
That is to say … biopolitics, capitalism runs on the body strategy of use, domination and control …
Coronavirus experiences from this philosophical point of view I suggest you evaluate.
With the rise of modern capitalism converted medicine; People were captured through the bodies. I tried to explain this in my book “Black Box” …
Nietzsche He says:
– “If you don’t know the philosophy of what you do, if you don’t technical you stay like “.
this most of our doctors I couldn’t explain it. Even to me “Are you a doctor who is writing these topics” There are those who say!
Yes, “the level of knowledge, culture and morality of a society determines the economic base of society! “
The result:
Labor Day, May 1 this philosophical awareness should be celebrated and the “Workers’ Universities” should be reopened …
Coronaviruses are on the world agenda. Has the medicine been found? Have you started testing on animals? When will people start experimenting? So what were the drug development processes like yesterday? Let me take you six centuries ago; Despite Akşemsettin’s reaction, let me introduce you to a doctor who writes medical papers in Turkish.
First identified:
ottoman, Fatih more in his madrasas in the previous period taught religious knowledge. Science / positive science, However, it gained importance with Fatih’s ascension. Because Fatih attached great importance to scholars and scholars; always protected them …
In the Ottoman Empire during Fatih’s reign scientific Attempts to settle and take root have not been underestimated. For example … To get up in this period and enter the eye of the sultan write scientific papers It was essential
Thus … the Ottoman Empire lived its brightest period in this century. One of these names was Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin …
Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin (1386-1470) …
Called the city of princes AmasyaHe was born in Another feature of the city was that Amasya was of special importance in terms of medical history. Founded in the early 14th century, Amasya Darüşşifa is almost a medical center and many doctors grew up here.
Grandfather Sabuncuoğlu Hacı İlyas Çelebi In the period 1408-1421; and father Ali Çelebi He worked as a doctor in 1421-1451.
Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin basic education Amasya Darüşşifası(information on anatomy, pathology, hygiene, pharmacology “Tervîh el-Arvâh” (The author of the medical book) received from Amasya Burhanettin Ahmedi …
After eleven years of education in Amasya Darüşşifası, he began to practice medicine at the age of 17. both of them was interested in treating patients; both He never stopped reading, researching and trying to improve his medical knowledge …
Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin lived in Amasya between 1386-1470.
His inventions have never been so easy. For example …
Often at that time in Amasya snake poisoning Havoc. Sabuncuoğlu was one of the doctors working on drugs that can be used in treatment.
Apparently, he first tried the antidote he developed while working on the antidote in chickens and roosters. When you get positive results try it yourself decided so much for that a poisonous snake and brought his left hand thumb It was carried out. It was taken from the antidote that developed after poisoning.
Thanks to the antidote, he did not experience any signs of poisoning; Even her finger didn’t swell!
“Mucerrebname” wrote “Experimental medicine” It was the book; and he explained this event in detail. That is to say …
For patients with Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin He was a sacrificed doctor.
Let me give some examples from your experience:
They ended up returning from Amasya to Istanbul with his assistant. For the treatment, mercury mixed the pine resin and prepared the wick of the linen thread and tied the medicine to the neck, avoiding lice by applying the rest to the armpits …
Another example with reducing medications He was referring to it. Medicines to drop a dying baby in the womb. Ura formed in the uterus he understood that he was doing well.
Behold recommend that the cancerous tumor be removed surgically There is an Ottoman doctor.
He always emphasized the importance of this in his work because it was based on experiment and reason.
Hippocrates … Galena de Bergama … İbn-i Sina Sabuncuoğlu, who has always devoted himself to the service of humanity like himself, always claimed that these scholars benefited from the works while writing their works or preparing their medicines.
This really showed:
Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin always investigating he was a doctor …
Sabuncuoğlu wrote his book Cerrahiyyetü’l Haniyye in Turkish.
Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin, unlike many other doctors, especially surgical interested in Doctors at the time were not very interested in surgery. The reason was that the life-threatening risk was very high in the surgical intervention. Medical tools to facilitate surgery: the technical possibilities were very limited.
Sabuncuoğlu, most surgical procedures. first tested on animals and when he achieved successful results, he did not refrain from surgical intervention in humans.
Some of them made by themselves. 168 medical instruments He was accustomed. And he drew his drawings in his books so that they would remain in the next generations. At the time, not many images were used in the books!
Furthermore, in their treatment musical instruments He was accustomed.
The therapeutic effect of music on psychological disorders was a known method. However, the Ottomans experienced the brightest period of music therapy in this century.
One day if you are on your way to Amasya, Museum definitely visit: Sabuncuoğlu ŞerefettinBimarhane, where he served as a doctor, was established within the Culture Directorate of the Amasya Municipality in 2011. “Museum of the History of Medicine and Surgery Sabuncuoğlu” opened its doors to visitors.
In addition to the medical tools here, used musical instruments you will also be amazed …
Amasya University “Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin Training and Research Hospital” It should be noted that …
Amasya, who claimed the historical personality. to congratulate You have …
“In this past life and long orders, experience with what I see and do I put together many strange and weird works that I did in this shortened book. From the present most surgeons many of the things mentioned in this book what they saw nor have they heard it. This type of surgeon only examines the fashion books of this period and applies questionable treatments written on them. and sometimes they don’t have the experience and can’t find the right path.
The reason I wrote this book in Turkish is this:
In this period, the Greek tribes use the Turkish language. Furthermore, most of the surgeons of this period are illiterate, and even if they know how to read and write, they all read Turkish. Therefore, more people will be able to benefit from this by writing this book in Turkish so that they can learn the original work and solve many problems and protect themselves from mistakes and problems.
Sabuncuoğlu used colorful miniatures in his Şerefettin book. This was the first time in the history of medicine. A study was made on the book in terms of medicine and the history of painting.
To this book Cerrahiyyetü’l Haniyye I called it …
This is from Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin’s famous The important feature of his work was done in the miniature technique showing surgical interventions for the first time in the history of medicine. contains several photos and a simple turkish to be written …
There are 138 images and 168 tool images in the book. For this reason, many studies have been conducted on medical history, the Turkish language and the art of painting. Like the printing and transcription of the work. Ilter Uzel It was published in 1992 in two volumes with extensive explanations and notes.
Cerrahiyyetü’l Haniyye two of the three known copies of his work are in the Fatih Millet Library in Istanbul and the other is National library of franceis found in…
For constipation-digestive upset Ayarian pasta …
Oregano paste for stomach diseases …
To eliminate bad breath ıtrıfîl paste It should have been taken.
Strengthens memory, increases sexual power, and is good for kidney disease. in perverwas the use of fruits and vegetables for healing purposes.
Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin, “Zahire-i Harzemşahi” by the author “skull anatomy” Zeyneddin bin İsmail-ül Cürcani (1042-1137) the book “The Akrabadins” He also translated the section.
In this section; Due to their pharmacological properties, various prescription drugs and on which diseases these recipes will be used Explanations were included. Sabuncuoğlu increased the number from thirty-one episodes to thirty-three.
His book (Son of Kanuni and Hürrem) Sehzade Bayezitat his request during the second office of the governor of Amasya.
Another work was “Mücerrebnâme” …
Fatih Sultan Mehmet
In his preface to the work he wrote in 1468, Sabuncuoğlu stated that he wrote the book at the request of the circle of doctors in Amasya.
This book is the first time that Dr. Russian right (Üzel) in 1920 ikdam me It was introduced in the newspaper. trace; The preparation and use of animals, humans, and the author / perpetrator, that is, the drugs he tried, were explained in detail.
Suleymaniye LibraryThis book is important because it consists of seventeen chapters, and it is the first monograph in the history of Turkish medicine where a doctor describes the medication and treatment methods of his invention.
Another feature of Sabuncuoğlu Şerefettin goes to Istanbul experiments It was to gain his appreciation by introducing Fatih Sultan Mehmet …
If jealousy is unknown; of the scholars of the time Fatih Akşemsettin’s teacherHe did not criticize Sabuncuoğlu because he wrote his books in Turkish, not Arabic, and did not consider his works! Furthermore, although Akşemsettin made his first education in Amasya, he became a shackle rather than support …
But Sabuncuoğlu was not surprised that Şerefettin knew about it; The Turkish terms he created contributed to the birth of 15th century Turkish medical terminology.