According to the decision taken by the commission of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), the price per kilogram of bread in Istanbul increased from 6.25 TL to 7.50 TL. 200 grams of bread from 1.25 TL to 1.50 TL, 240 grams of bread also increased from TL 1.50 to TL 1.75.
According to the news from Gamze Bal de Cumhuriyet, these prices are said to be gradually being applied in the districts. It was learned that the first districts where 200 grams of bread were sold for 1.50 TL were Gaziosmanpaşa and Bayrampaşa. A loaf is sold for TL 2 in the whole of Kadıköy, Beşiktaş and Sarıyer, and in some parts of Üsküdar and Maltepe.
Two different bread prices have been applied in Istanbul for years. While the commission made up of the governorate and the chamber of bakers determines the price of bread that is widely sold, the bakeries registered with the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce determine their own prices. The rate for ITO registered ovens is generally higher than the commission price.