Question about contagious diseases from Ekrem İmamoğlu to the Minister of Health


İBB President Ekrem İmamoğlu responded to Health Minister Fahrettin Koca’s statement, “All the figures we have announced are correct, everyone should focus on action.” İBB President Ekrem İmamoğlu answered questions from journalists ahead of the UKOME meeting held at the Istanbul Congress Center;

“Last night an important step was taken in terms of transparency. We wanted from the beginning; share data transparently. Now, Istanbul is in a difficult situation, especially in Istanbul. The situation in hospitals, the disease process in the immediate environment of people is obvious. We also have the right to data. In such an environment, sharing the process in a transparent way will allow society to take better measures and take stricter measures, ”he said.


“How would a mayor be happy to announce the death toll? Is something like this possible? “İmamoğlu asks:” We refrain from explaining this situation; we are sad. But from now on, this process must be managed transparently. Because really, we can beat the pandemic with transparent process management. This is the only way we can win the pandemic process.

Yesterday; It has been announced that the death toll in Russia and Germany is very high. So what happened; Has the German glow gone? Or has Russia collapsed? “Sharing them with society will lead society to take the process seriously and announce much stricter measures on this issue.”


İmamoğlu said he followed with regret the explanations about the number of deaths, saying: “We have more than doubled the number of deaths in the last 10 days between November and this year in Istanbul. There are no other contagious diseases between last year and this year; there is only one covid. Let them explain if there were any other contagious diseases between last year and this year.

There are more than twice as many deaths; Sorry if you are still making such an effort. Don’t let them go through the process transparently. The Minister said that he will also release the historical data. We hope, we will really understand better that the situation is worse. In this context, I believe that we will prevail and defeat this virus completely when they handle the process in a way that all of society can feel and openly.

I explain the closure and the requests that science points to me, and I will continue to explain it. I trust our health professionals, God bless them and I wish healing to all our patients, I hope we defeat this process, Covid, and we will have normal days together.

It may interest youMinister Koca announced the actual number of cases!  Turkey was the first in EuropeMinister Koca announced the actual number of cases! Turkey was the first in Europe
