Public in Ankara raises the bread | Economy


In the written statement made by the General Directorate, it was pointed out that, with the kindness of the citizens, healthy and hygienic production has been continued for years.


Reliable brand in the production of bakery products Ankara Popular breadIn the statement, in which it stated that it continues its activities constantly expanding its range of products according to the preferences and demands of citizens, the following evaluations were carried out:

“In the economic environment of our country, Ankara Halk Ekmek, which produces more than 800 thousand loaves on average daily during the week, has suffered the damage caused by continuous increases in production costs for a long time. Reaching a point that will not be tolerated for exceeding 30 percent has forced a reconsideration of the price of bread, today the price of 200 grams of bread on the market is 1.5 lire. By adding 25 kurus to the price of bread, the retail price was determined as 1 lira 25 kurus with no profit.

In the statement, it was stated that Ankara Halk Ekmek, a quality and trusted brand in bread production, will continue to pioneer safe and profitable sales from producer to consumer with its expanding service points and newly created Başkent market.

Source: Anadolu / Kemal Karadağ Agency
