Protocol terminated in damat with IMM


Selçuk Bayraktar, Baykar Technical Manager and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the T3 Foundation, announced that the protocol of the DENEYAP Project was terminated by the T3 Foundation.

Silent against injustice, we have separated from the path of those who have supported lies and slander alongside slander. Even a volunteer’s sweat will not go to waste. We will never return from our #MilliTeknoloji movement! ”

The following statements were included in the protest sent to IMM:

“In the post by CHP Vice President Veli Ağbaba on Twitter, the T3 Foundation was supported by the President of Selçuk Bayraktar Trustees, the son-in-law of Selçuk Bayraktar,” and personal rights were attacked by İBB. and did not comply with the law that occurred between the parties on the basis of cooperation and did not explain the defamation. “


CHP Vice President and Malatya MP Veli Ağbaba, on the social networking site Twitter “Selçuk Bayraktar, is lying on the corner when he is caught. His defense in court is that he is not receiving any cash donations. We do not have any claim for money or donation; is this protocol that IMM sent to the archive a lie? “he stated. Selçuk Bayraktar, addressing the mayor of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Ekrem İmamoğlu, who announced through Deneyap Technology Workshops, announced that the T3 Foundation will terminate the protocol of the DENEYAP Project if the statements of the AğP CHP are not deduced.
