Promising treatment development in coronavirus


While the coronavirus nightmare continued in the world, there was a hopeful development against the virus. In a new study, it was observed that ultrasound waves and vibrations could damage the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19), causing the spikes of the virus to collapse and tear apart.


In research by experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), published on The Explorist website, ultrasound waves and vibrations at medical imaging frequencies, like other viruses, are spherical and have peaks attached to the cells on their surfaces, these tips from Kovid -19 have collapsed and were said to cause breakage.

In the study, which indicated that ultrasound vibrations should be within the frequencies used in medical imaging, the scientists used computer simulations to model the virus’s response to vibrations across a range of ultrasound frequencies.

Destroyed in milliseconds

In the study, it was determined that in simulations of the virus in air and in water, vibrations in the 25 to 100 megahertz range began to collapse and break through the virus coat and spikes within a millisecond.

“ We show that under ultrasound stimulation, the coronavirus layer and spikes will vibrate, creating charges that can break down certain parts of the virus due to the multiplicity of this vibration and damage internal RNA that is invisible to the eye. We hope that our research will start an interdisciplinary discussion. “He used the expressions.

The scientists who conducted the study said the results were preliminary and based on limited data on the physical properties of the virus. However, he noted that the findings they got from the study could be the first clue to a possible ultrasound-based treatment for Kovid-19.

The scientists said in their explanations that their next goal is to understand how ultrasound can be applied in treatment and determine its full effect to damage the virus within the complexity of the human body.
