Professors who attended the seminar in Bursa were quarantined


The Covid-19 test was positive in two of the 14 teachers who attended the seminar at Orhaneli Anatolian High School in Bursa about a week ago. It was learned that 12 teachers who worked at the same school and were in contact were quarantined at home.


The Union of Education and Science Workers (Eğitim-Sen) announced on its website the names of 172 educational institutions that as of September 7, 2020, who had coronavirus cases or claimed that people with positive cases participated in the studies.

The following statements were used in Eğitim-Sen’s statement:

The stage that the epidemic has reached, the increasing number of cases and deaths increase the anxiety of education workers, students and parents and keep minds occupied. Finally, the recommendation of the Ministry of Health to the Council of Higher Education of the universities in the fall semester of 2020-2021 to carry out courses remotely reveals the seriousness of the situation.

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