Prof. Scandalous words of Ebubekir Sofuoğlu: House of prostitution of the universities


Faculty member of the History Department of Sakarya University Prof. Dr. Ebubekir Sofuoğlu used scandalous expressions in the program he attended on Akit TV.

Sofuoğlu, who was a guest on Sabri Balaman’s show “Derin Kutu,” accused Generation Z of being “hedonistic” and said that participation in university classes was also low.

For universities, Sofuoğlu said: “Our president also emphasized. Almost houses of prostitution, ”he said. Faced with the scandalous statements of Sofuoğlu, the guests in the studio said: “Don’t do it my teacher. It was a bit heavy ”, he reacted.

Sofuoğlu said: “I have seen it. It is no exception. Let me show you around. Neighbors will tell you, real estate agents will tell you. Where do you live? “He said.


Ebubekir Sofuoğlu spoke at the “Second Conference of the Great Hakan Abdulhamid Han on the centenary of his death” held in Kütahya earlier and said that “Sultan Abdulhamid Han is the first to use Google and invent it. He cannot go, there is no means of transportation. “It will be a problem in payment. What is he doing; taking his picture, looking. Produce something from there. In this sense, the first inventor of Google is Sultan Abdülhamid Han.”

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