Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın explained the coronavirus treatment process


These are the highlights of Kalın’s comments on the NTV live stream:


Although we pay close attention, we get it. We pass the cold like the flu. I recovered in no time. When he first appeared, I walked away from our president, his health is more important than any of us. I quarantined myself with no name. When the test was positive, I immediately went to quarantine and treatment. The treatment process was not difficult. We rested. It was also a good opportunity for me, I followed the work by phone. I had a book in hand, I finished it. It has been a productive period of quarantine.


These actions are taken in accordance with the Scientific Committee’s recommendations, but our President also has to assess the bigger picture. After evaluating the suggestions, these measures were announced by our President. The board’s recommendations are extremely important to us. But caution alone is not enough. If they are not implemented consciously, it will be difficult to get results even with the strictest measures. That is why it is very important that citizens are aware of this issue. Obviously, the virus is mutating and continues to be transmitted in different ways. The danger has not passed, it has increased even more during the flu period. Many European countries have re-entered a period of closure. I was in Brussels, life on the street seems to stop there. The situation in the United States is really bad. The daily number of cases is between 120-150 thousand. When you look at all of this, the virus doesn’t slow down. Different measures may arise again.


We will examine the course of action taken this week. They are reported daily. Depending on this course, these measures can be increased, reduced and extended in duration. This is all about us as a society. Of course, there is an inexpensive cost. Do not consider it only as an economy, it also has a socio-psychological cost. When it takes too long, other psychosociological problems arise. The main problem here is to implement these measures in the best way protecting the health of our people. Our citizens, please carefully follow the measures. It is much better to follow the precautions than hospitalization. Vaccination studies are also continuing, but they shouldn’t be too rushed there, in terms of expectation. 6-7 different vaccination studies continue in our country. However, vaccines will not be fully effective in 10 days, 20 days or 1 month to completely stop the epidemic. We are talking about a longer period. Its effects will be controlled. The measles vaccine took years to settle. Until then, huge prices were paid. The same has happened in other epidemics. There is no “magic” formula for this. This is a process. the world of science advances like this. If we do this, I hope we will get through this stage more easily in the next 2 months.

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dynamic like Turkey, democratic, a country open to the social, political world, poses a dynamic process in changing economic needs. You make new laws, you develop new perspectives. Safe balance of freedom and democracy that ruled Turkey for many years. Threats against the national security of our country have not disappeared. Our fight against organizations like FETO and PKK continues. We do this primarily to raise the democratic standards of our own citizens. The EU perspective is still important, not completely lost. But sometimes there are differences of opinion with our allies on national security, they don’t want to understand us. Whichever country had a coup like July 15, the Europeans would likely have taken much tougher action. Our president announced a new movement, a new era to meet these needs of our citizens while maintaining the balance between freedom, democracy and security. This will have many positive effects.


It is important to maintain this balance. It is a very delicate balance. It is not easy to maintain this balance, but every democratic country must respect it. Turkey, of course, must also maintain this balance. There have been no attacks on this? Of course yes. Turkey also put up a great fight. You need to consider all of this alongside issues like property, safety of life, and immigration for our citizens. Taking measures to maintain this balance points to a period that will make us trust and generate democracy. You will definitely have reflections on politics and economics. It is important to manage these processes with a new illusion according to the needs. In doing this, one has to be in a pluralistic democratic morality. This should be done considering the morality of arguing and negotiating. MAlArA opens the way to polarization of politics in Turkey. Today we have a wide political spectrum. It is normal for this to happen. But it is important to establish the moral of the discussion there. When you object, it is possible to keep this culture alive when a more constructive style of opposition based on hard data, guiding, developing alternatives, becomes realistic suggestions for government and administrators. Attacking with ideological fanaticism, attacks on people, etc. things that lower the level of politics.


Our president consults with the YİK and other units on all these issues. But, ultimately, the will that determines politics is represented and implemented by it. Of course, it is possible that Mr. Arınç and Çiçek express different views on these issues. They express their own views and our President listens to them. It is with the will of our President that all this becomes a policy after your consultation. We are talking about a leader who listens, consults, and takes notes. An institution or an individual sees an issue from their point of view, but if you do not see the whole picture taking other points of view into account, then you will make a mistake. Our Minister of Justice has also had a good job in judicial reform, now there are human rights studies. These studies will continue. The main thing is to guarantee the security of our nation.

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This is a legal process. We also see expressions that sometimes implicate judges and judges and underestimate their struggle after July 15. One of the most important pillars to prevent this attempted coup was the judiciary. I don’t want to argue about these two names. I do not want to reduce the problem to the cases of these two people. These are the issues already discussed in the judicial reform. Some sensibilities in society should not be ignored. Mr. When Arınç speaks like this, he may be speaking from a legal perspective, but it is not possible to handle this regardless of the facts.


The prosecution has launched an investigation and the legal process is moving forward. no person in Turkey is acceptable threatened in this way. We will wait for that process to complete. I hope that the courts will do everything necessary within the rules of the law. Mr. The fact that Bahçeli has an old friendship with Çakıcı is something he said with a sense of loyalty. There should be no conflict with the rules established by law.


Biden’s leadership has yet to come to power. Let’s see how it will take shape. No matter who is at the top of the American administration, Turkey cannot have an approach that can be ignored. It is also for your own benefit. Trump said a lot of things as he came, somehow relations got on the right track. The Biden administration also arrived, although the Trump administration continues, Turkey has a national security problem in its relations with the US: 1) the PKK 2) Feton. Besides these, of course, there are problems. S-400, bilateral relations, trade, blockade of F-35. When Biden’s leadership comes to power, they’ll look at this photo. a vision of geography ignores that Turkey will tie his hands on his arms. So it’s too early to say anything. The main troublesome issues are PKK and FETO issues. Our attitude towards this issue is very clear. US support for the PYD / YPG in Syria is wrong. Second, the need to support Turkey in the fight against the American Feton. As for the S-400 problem, this decision was not made overnight. After 6 years of negotiations, they took the patriots here, much less sell the patriots. Our president said, ‘Don’t think I am left with no alternative’, they thought it was a joke. They thought you were lying.


The style of opposition derived from the American convention on the F-35s is not based on objective facts. “Turkey, the Western alliance far from making more alliances with countries like Russia,” they say. Russia’s expansion policy was carried out by filling in the gaps left by the West. Had I followed a more consistent policy on this issue, this photo could have been very different. Why are you working with Russia in Syria? We also offered it to the US But the Obama administration decided to do business with the PKK. Differences of opinion on these issues got to this point, especially as a result of wrong decisions by the US We wanted to create a model that would ensure our border security, but they didn’t take it into consideration.

‘If you lose against Pavo with LANGUAGE SANCTIONS’

The KATSA subject continues at the congress. Trump can sign it, return it, leave it to Biden. The language and method of sanctions, especially for a country like Turkey, is not a constructive method. you lose if you speak the language of sanctions in Turkey. We also made some suggestions. When the S-400s were activated to prevent a situation that would put the F-35s in danger, we said ‘Let’s establish a joint congress, how do we eliminate this risk’. The Americans refused. Here there is also a serious problem of terminology, if the lack of tension is only possible thanks to your demands. The Trump administration has also seen that it cannot get results with the language or method of sanctions. I think the Biden administration will see it.


I did not receive a penalty signal. Yesterday I was in Brussels to meet with your cabinet. Nor do they see the issue of sanctions in a positive light. They especially know that this language will not produce results for a leader like Erdogan. We also know that some member countries insist on this issue. There are places where we can agree with Greece on the eastern Mediterranean, there are places where we cannot. We are again sending the message that we are ready to start exploratory talks with Greece even tomorrow. But the relations between Turkey and the EU have reduced its vision if it reduces the square. There is a much more strategic set of issues. When you look at the bigger picture of the EU, we have many common interests with Turkey. We regard Turkey’s full membership of the EU as a priority. Turkey and the economic, political and EU security in the common space, we see that much more. We carry out 45% of our trade with the euro zone. Exploratory talks started in 2002 and Greece stopped in 2016.
