President Erdogan’s Reaction to France’s Karabakh Decision


In his speech at the opening ceremony of the Sarıkamış-Karakurt-Horasan highway, which he attended with a live connection from the Vahdettin Mansion in Istanbul, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that today they are experiencing the excitement of the opening of a Critically important work for Kars and the entire region.

Due to the epidemic that affects both Turkey and the world, if the opening ceremony is made through a videoconference, it is indicated that they, especially the peak in Europe, the number of cases of the services that fight to combat the epidemic in those days it passed since they never got engaged.

Expressing that they continue to serve the cities and the country with the new projects they have implemented in all fields, from health to transportation, from arts to defense, from commerce to energy, Erdogan said:

“The day before we inaugurated the Presidential Symphony Orchestra Concert Building in Ankara, one of the most prestigious works in our country with its architecture and technology. Today we deliver our first national helicopter engine and open the design center, which will bring the Turkish defense industry into an era. We have taken another historic step to become a brand that produces and sells to the world. We are now commissioning an investment that will take our city of Serhat, Kars, to the next level in regional trade. Of course, I saw the 40-kilometer stretch of the Karakurt-Horasan highway. I took pride on behalf of my nation as I followed this path from here as a truly magnificent path. Praise the place we have come to. With this road going over these giant viaducts, I believe that now my citizens or international people who pass through our country will appreciate our country and our nation. “


Erdogan emphasized that the road, which is located on the route of the border gates and will serve mainly heavy vehicle traffic, will make important contributions to foreign trade with this characteristic.

President Erdogan said: “With the introduction of the Karakurt-Horosan Highway, we now have an uninterrupted transportation service on the standard of the divided highway in trade with neighboring countries. The highway, which reduces the travel time of 46 minutes. At 25 minutes, it will save a total of 29 million lire per year, 25 million lire in time and 4 million lire in fuel. I believe that with the opening of the highway it will further increase the attraction of Kars, one of the most important parts of the historic Silk Road I congratulate our Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, the Minister and his team on behalf of myself and my nation.

Erdogan thanked everyone who contributed and contributed to the realization of this project, from workers to engineers, official institutions to contractors, and wished that the Karakurt-Horosan highway would be beneficial for the region and the country, as well as for the city.

In his speech, President Erdoğan said that Hazrat Mevlana emphasized the importance of dignity and personality and that having these two things is the key to success in life. Emphasizing that people exist with their personality and dignity in all fields, from commerce to politics, and that they earn reputations, Erdogan asserted that this is already worthy of the people of Kars.

Stating that when these two disappear, it is inevitable that they will throw him out, Erdogan continued as follows:

“The boyuncu story the dignity and personality of lost people and societies are always in the pit of misfortune. Despite Turkey and ten attacks and betrayals we lived the Turkish nation Praise be to Allah, we fall into such a mistake. Neither we what sari thousands of years of history dignity never compromise our personalities. Threats We always stood tall and firm. Sometimes we buried our young children in Çanakkale. Sometimes we raised all of Anatolia in our War of Independence. Sometimes we defied the tanks on July 15. Here, my grandfather froze in Sarıkamış and was martyred there with a rifle in his arms. From Rize to Sarıkamış. This nation is such a warlike nation. But we do not consent to violate our national dignity, achieve our independence and refer to our ancestral values ​​that sustain us “.


Erdogan also stated that they do not allow the violation of the rights and laws of the brothers who trust and trust in the country, saying: “We have always acted with personality and dignity while taking a position on the side of justice in Syria, peace and stability in Iraq, legitimacy in Libya. “We have always opened our hearts and at the same time our doors to the oppressed who escaped the violence and bombs of the Assad regime. We were not among those who took refuge in our country as the one-party CHP for their murderers on the Boraltan bridge. “

Expressing that they acted with a character that suits the nation on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, Erdogan said:

“When the Armenians attacked the Azerbaijani lands, we came to the rescue of our brothers with all our heart and all our means. Kars knows these Armenians well from history, he knows it well. We contributed to the liberation of Nagorno-Karabakh and the Azerbaijani territories busy doing whatever our common history, culture, beliefs and linguistic unity require. Their stance on Nagorno-Karabakh Turkey also survived the embarrassment that the one-party CHP tragedy has caused our nation in Boralt. the Azerbaijani, our struggling brothers, today’s result does not adorn the crescent and the star no longer rips the skies Karabakh. Hopefully, with the opening of the corridor that will provide the connection between Nakhchivan and Azerbaijan, we will now have a direct land connection with our brothers “.

Erdogan claimed that Kars is one of the places that will benefit the most from this connection and said that after 30 years of occupation, Azerbaijan is rightfully happy to regain its native lands.

Erdogan emphasized that the victory in Karabakh was halal for Azerbaijan in terms of international law, diplomacy and military, and said: “I would like to emphasize once again and repeat. Azerbaijan did not approach the no man’s land, did not attack anyone and in against UN and OSCE resolutions. He did so while remaining within the framework of legitimacy, not targeting civilians and civilian settlements such as the Armenians. However, the decision made by the French parliament the day before, the co-chair of the Minsk group, it is a complete disaster, a disaster beyond scandal, he said.

Recalling the words of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, “if France loves Armenians so much, it can give them Marseille from their own land,” Erdogan said it is unacceptable for any state to attack the sovereign rights of another state so humbly.


By stating that France, which has similar approaches everywhere, from Syria to Libya, has shown with this decision that it is no longer part of the solution but part of the problem, and that it cannot function with an objective approach anywhere. Erdogan said: “Lastly, he played the same game in Lebanon. We hope that international public opinion will react to this dangerous approach initiated by France and threaten all states. Europe, which owes its current political unity to a period of struggle. very bloody and dark, it will be the one that will suffer the most from this distortion. Turkey is always and everywhere, since it is correct, the truth, to take place together with the oppressed, and we will continue to say in politics that we continue in this direction. “


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that every investment and service they brought to the country in the last 18 years spanned all 81 provinces.

Noting that the country has increased the length of the divided highway to more than 27 thousand kilometers, Erdoğan shared the following information:

“These highways pass through almost all of our 81 provinces. We equip our roads with 410 tunnels with a length of 554 kilometers. These tunnels serve and receive service from all our 81 provinces. We renew 11,600 kilometers of our railways as if they were built from scratch These railroads serve our entire country. We are rapidly expanding our high-speed rail lines. By completing all major lines, we will ensure that our 81 provinces benefit from them. By increasing the number of our airports to 56, we we have ensured that all citizens living in our 81 provinces benefit from them, one of which is Kars airport.

Erdogan, Turkey, not only in energy in all fields, from education to health and sports transport services, said they signed wrapped in this way.


Every incident they brought to Turkey, Erdogan said that this powerful infrastructure revealed how critical it was said:

“We have seen the importance of our hospitals and our health insurance system during the epidemic period. As our exports increased, we saw the importance of the infrastructure that serves all of our related sectors from our organized industrial zones to our logistics infrastructure. It is possible to extend these examples to all fields. We have no word, word, slander, lie, insidious and We have joined with our nation and serving our nation to this day, and we will continue our path in the same way from now on Each work that we have opened gives us indescribable emotion and satisfaction. The resentment and hatred within those who are not destined for the work blind their eyes and darken their hearts. The bifurcation cannot divert us from our path, on the contrary, it increases our enthusiasm “.

President Erdogan said: “Let’s introduce and get to know Kars with all its huge variety of cheddar cheeses both in our country and around the world. My brother from Kars is doing all his work right now. I think with his men and women, Kars will become famous especially in this milk and dairy products, with Kars cheese. ” I speak.

Wishing the opening of the Karakurt-Horasan highway to the cities and the country, Erdogan congratulated those who contributed.

After his speech, Erdogan said: “The way is civilization.” He gave the order to cut the opening strip of the Karakurt-Horasan highway.

Erdogan expressed his request from the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Adil Karaismailoğlu, before cutting the ribbon, saying: “Please hopefully green the periphery of the roads and the bottom of the viaducts quickly, hopefully we will green them and we will make the position of the slopes very different and exuberant. I believe in you. If you do it together, he will say once again that God bless you who go through all these roads. ”

Later, Minister Karaismailoğlu and his entourage cut the opening ribbon of the Karakurt-Horasan highway.
