Our goal is for the aerosol vaccine to be available year-round.


Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank attended the opening ceremony of the ‘Graphene Mass Production Facility’ at Ankara İvedik Organized Industrial Zone.

Speaking here, Minister Varank said that “they are proud to bring a significant investment to the country in the production of advanced technology materials.” Varank stated that one of the main sources fueling innovative technologies is advances in materials science, “Graphene introduced to the world by materials science in 2004 made a great impression with its physical, chemical and mechanical properties. This product, which won the Nobel Prize in Physics to its explorers in 2010, is the best material in the history of mankind. Graphene is a material that is 200 times stronger than steel, hundreds of times more conductive than steel. copper, as well as flexible and lightweight. many different industrial areas with its strength, flexibility, thermal and electrical conductivity. As a two-dimensional nanomaterial, it is shown to be one of the most critical components of nanotechnology. With graphene, longer-lasting materials, rechargeable batteries ultrafast, faster and lighter aircraft, bionic devices can be produced that can connect to the neurons of the body – it is real by reading and changing body electricity. bioelectronic medical technologies can be developed that provide timely treatment; Solutions can also be provided to corrosion, heating and transmission problems, ”he said.


Minister Varank recalled that the Nanography company started working in the field of vaccines during the pandemic period while successfully working in the field of nanotechnology. Varank, “the scientists operating under the roof of Nanograf, unlike the conventional vaccine to be administered as a nasal spray, are developing an innovative type of vaccine. METU, Hacettepe, Gazi and Ankara University infrastructure, skills Studies and Turkey’s First Intranasal Contribution of Academic Experience Domestic Vaccine Development Efforts Unlike mRNA and inactivated vaccine technology, this vaccine was designed on a protein basis. “It has the potential to strengthen our hands in the modeling and the possible advanced course of the epidemic, “he said.


Varank’s preclinical stages successfully completed the first indigenous intranasal vaccine that would begin very soon after phase 1 human trials for one candidate, emphasizing that “we will begin our human experiments in April. Turkey Pharmaceuticals and Approval Authority expected for medical devices. Once all the clinical stages of this new one have been completed. Our goal is to put the type of vaccine into use during the year. I congratulate our Turkish scientists who strive to contribute to our country and even all of humanity through conducting such innovative and solution-oriented studies, ”he said.
